
  • Mira;Myra;Milla
  1. 但他在23街和米拉街之间有个IPX

    But he 's working off an IPX located at 23rd and Mira .

  2. 他在23号和米拉大街的交汇处,但在地下

    He was at 23rd and Mira , but he was underground .

  3. 只有非常有钱的人才能在米拉贝勒餐厅吃得起午餐。

    Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle

  4. 米拉曾是个织毛活高手!

    Mila used to be a wonderful knitter1 !

  5. 我了解题材和迪斯尼是怎么运作的,我知道米拉麦克斯的dna。

    I knew the material and how Disney works , and I knew the DNA of Miramax .

  6. 位于加州旧金山市的米拉洛马小学(MiralomaElementary)正忙着取消原本的男女厕所,将它们改为无性别厕所,供低年级学生使用。

    There will now just be bathrooms . Miraloma Elementary in San Francisco , California is busy doing away with its gender assigned bathrooms and making them gender neutral for their young students .

  7. 塞缪尔·巴斯(SamuelBass)是旧金山米拉洛马小学(MiralomaElementarySchool)的校长,现在该校低年级的卫生间都是全性别的,其他的设施也将进行改造。

    Samuel Bass is the principal of Miraloma Elementary School in San Francisco , where restrooms for the younger grades are now all-gender , and the remaining facilities will be converted .

  8. 谷歌引用米拉??帕库尔(MilaParkour)于二月发表的博文,帕库尔撰文称“检测出用户受到袭击”。

    Google says it has " detected and disrupted " this campaign , first noted in February by a blogger , Mila Parkour .

  9. 地区:英国出品:Miramax米拉迈克斯晚安陛下;抱歉打扰了但威尔士王妃她…

    Good evening , Ma'am , I 'm sorry to disturb but it 's the Princess of Wales ...

  10. 那也是他首次接触哈维和鲍勃•温斯坦(HarveyandBobWeinstein)。当时,米拉麦克斯开始在美国发行Palace的影片,因此,他们几乎就像姊妹公司。

    It was also the first time he came into contact with Harvey and Bob Weinstein as Miramax began to distribute Palace films in the US so they were almost like sister companies .

  11. 2013年的威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale)上,苏博科夫甚至把超模兼影星米拉•乔沃维奇(MillaJovovich)装进了玻璃箱中“展出”。

    In 2013 , Subkoff enclosed model / actress Milla Jovovich in a glass box for the Venice Biennale .

  12. 突出的例子包括亚洲最大能源公司之一泰国万浦集团(Banpu)首席执行官SomruedeeChaimongkol以及南非航空(SouthAfricanAirways)前首席执行官、如今拥有自己的航空公司的西扎•姆兹米拉(SizaMzimela)。

    Notable examples include SomruedeeChaimongkol , chief executive of Thailand 's Banpu , one of Asia 's largestenergy companies , and Siza Mzimela , a former South African Airways chiefexecutive who now owns her own airline .

  13. 据文章披露,致命的桃色关系,以及性骚扰指控,迫使纳努拉在七月份辞去了私募股权公司柯罗尼资本集团(ColonyCapital)与米拉麦克斯电影公司(Miramax,纳努拉担任该公司董事长)的职务。

    According to the LA Times story , the fateful entanglements , along with a sexual harassment charge , led nanula , 53 , to resign in July from private equity firm colony capital and the Miramax film company , where he was chairman .

  14. 持续多日的婚礼在意大利南部的普利亚(Pulia)举行,参加婚礼的既有美国科技业和印度企业界的领军人物,也有好莱坞明星艾什顿•库彻(AshtonKutcher)和米拉•库妮丝(MilaKunis)。

    The multi-day affair in Puglia in southern Italy was attended by leaders in the American tech and Indian corporate worlds , as well as Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis .

  15. “真正的困难是陷入电影市场在那里,”同意马特Brodlie,收购米拉麦克斯电影公司的主管。

    " The real difficulty is getting a film out there into the marketplace ," agreed Matt Brodlie , director of acquisitions at Miramax Films .

  16. 我想回埃尔米拉和家人去过圣诞。

    I want to spend Christmas in Elmira with my family .

  17. 几个钟头他转向米拉贝拉。

    He went to Mirabella just a few hours later .

  18. 不我们等会再说乖女儿先找米拉

    No , we 'll ... talk later , darling . Milla .

  19. 米拉显示出以前人们未想到他会有的板球才能。

    Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch .

  20. 米拉和埃利斯在一起至今差不多有5年了。

    Mira and Ellis have been together now for almost five years .

  21. 从此,索图拉与“阿尔塔米拉洞穴艺术”,共载史册。

    Since then , Suotula and " Altamira cave art ", containing annals .

  22. 一个叫做米拉麦克斯的小型电影公司去年极其轰动。

    A small movie studio called Miramax Films was extremely successful last year .

  23. 我是来自昴宿星高级议会的米拉。

    I am Mira from the Pleiadian high council .

  24. 当然,米拉是巴尔干人,但是他的皮肤如牛奶般白皙。

    Sure , Mila is balkan , but she 's white as milk .

  25. 虽然如此,米拉还是深深地打动了编辑。

    Still , if nothing else , Milla has inspired this beauty editor .

  26. 杰在米拉贝拉的假婚礼上遇见了他们。

    Jay met them at Mirabelle 's fake wedding .

  27. 阿尔塔米拉洞包括的一系列房间和塑造象像S型。

    The Altamira Cave consists of a series of rooms and passages shaped like anS.

  28. 许多遗迹被埋在失落的米拉多尔市。

    Many of its remains lie buried at the lost city of El Mirador .

  29. 米拉已经在边界和一些同行接触过。

    Mira 's contacted sympathizers at the border .

  30. 你跟米拉有没有接吻过?

    Have you and Myra even kissed yet ?