
  1. 旅团单位生活服务中心财务管理存在的问题及审计对策

    Financial management in the living service centers of brigade and regiment

  2. 副校长刘少明和生活服务中心的同志们。

    Vice principal Liu Shaoming is with the comrades for life service .

  3. 旅团级生活服务中心绩效审计问题研究

    Research on Problem of the Performance Audit in the Brigade-regiment Level Living Service Center

  4. 旅团生活服务中心应注重抓三个问题

    Management of service centers in brigades and regiments

  5. 讨论了某部生活服务中心管理信息系统的实现方法、以及软件开发工具的选择。

    The realizing method of management information system for a military living service center , the software development tool , and the system frame design are discussed .

  6. 然而,随着军队现代化建设的发展,部队生活服务中心在体制和管理上还存在着不够健全、不尽合理和不很科学的地方。

    However , with the development of the military modernization , there are still some not quite reasonable and not very scientific points in military living service center .

  7. 部队生活服务中心是军队后勤和军需保障系统的一个重要组成部分,为军队适应社会主义市场经济的伙食保障起到了巨大的作用。

    Military living service center is an important component of our military logistics and military supplies support system , and plays a huge role on meeting the demand of mess support in socialist market economy .

  8. 作为军队审计组成部分的生活服务中心审计,如何顺应绩效审计的发展潮流,将是目前一段时期军队审计工作者面临的一项课题。

    Living service center audit as an integral part of military life service center audit , how to adapt to the trend of development of performance audit , which will be a subject faced by military audit staff currently for a period of time .

  9. 从而科学的反映生活服务中心管理结果,以评价生活服务中心经费的利用效率和任务保障程度,达到对生活服务中心管理效率和效果进行定量分析的目的。

    This indicator system scientifically reflects management result of living service centers , and evaluates utilization efficiency of the fund and task-guarantee degree in the living service centers in order to achieve the purpose of quantitative analysis to management efficiency and effectiveness of the living service center .

  10. 公营机构向市民提供便捷的服务;开拓服务领域,方便人民生活是本服务中心的工作目标。

    " Expanding our realm of services and making things convenient for the people 's daily life " is operation oBjective of our service centre .