
  1. 应坚持:文化生活与学科课程相结合、科学性与思想性相统一、集中性与渗透性相结合、全面性与针对性相统一的原则。

    We should insist : cultural life and discipline curriculum combining scientific and ideological unity concentration and permeability and directive combining comprehensive unified principle .

  2. 由于写作自身的特点,任何生活和学科都可以从中找到合乎自身表现的形式,但写作者要能传达出自身对自然、社会、人生的思考和体验,就需要写作者充分发挥主体精神。

    Owing to the characteristic of writing , any life and course can find its own manifestation , those who would express their personal thoughts and experience of nature , society , and human life need to fully develop their spirit of individuality .

  3. 赤岸文化实施的途径与方法追求生活知识学科化、学科知识生活化,使学生的知识得以生成,情感得以升华,拓宽了师生学习的视野,取得了较好的教育教学效果。

    The approaches of the implementation of Chi'an Culture lie in the pursuit of the combination of life knowledge with academic knowledge , enabling students to acquire knowledge , expand academic vision both of teachers and students in order to achieve better results in education and teaching .

  4. 我在美国研究所的生活包装工程学科研究生教育

    USA Graduate School Graduate Education of Packaging Engineering

  5. 走进我们生活的新学科&空间天气学

    Space Weather Comes into Our Life

  6. 园林学是研究如何合理运用自然因素、社会因素来创建优美的、生态平衡的生活境域的学科。

    How is the botanical garden study studies utilizes the natural factor , the social factor reasonably founds exquisitely , the ecological equilibrium life boundary territory discipline .

  7. 青少年被迫学习和他们的日常生活关系不大的学科。

    Teenagers are forced to study subjects that seem remote from their daily lives .

  8. 乡土地理课程资源来源于生活,能够将学科知识与学生生活紧密联系。

    Local geography curriculum resources come from real life . And it will be able to make subject knowledge contact with students ' daily life closely .

  9. 社会生活史作为历史学科一个重要的分支,在中学历史教育中的境况却举步维艰、历经风霜。

    History of social life is a very important branch in history . However , the condition of it in middle school history class is difficultly .

  10. 本人20世纪70年代末致力于专研一国一民族传承性生活文化的民俗学科,学科本身与民间文化遗产有着天然的重叠。

    I did my best to studying folk-custom which emphasizes the life culture of state-nation since the end of1970s.So the subject itself has a natural relation with folk culture heritage .

  11. 数学是一门来源于生活,应用于生活的学科,它也在一定程度上影响着人们的生活,所以信息技术与数学课程的整合被教育界广泛关注。

    Mathematics , as a critical discipline , which is derived from life but also applied in life , affects our life . So the integration between information technology and mathematics curriculum is widely paid attention to .