
  1. 就“综合学习”的必要性,日本中央教育审议会在第15次会议的报告中指出:“综合学习”是实施国际理解教育、信息教育和环境教育等的需要。

    The necessity of " Comprehensive Studies " is what is pointed out in the report of the15th session of the Japanese Central Educational Discussion .

  2. 第16届中央教育审议会力主充实心灵的教育,确定了培养丰富的人性的方针;

    The 16th Central Education Consideration Committee favored to enrich the " Soul Education " and established the policy of cultivating " Rich Human Nature " .

  3. 2005年1月,日本中央教育审议会首次就幼儿教育的发展方向问题向文部科学大臣提交了咨询报告。

    The Central Education Council have first submited consulting report for the problem " preschool education develop direction " to the Minister of Education , Culture , Sports , Science and Technology of Japan .