
  • 网络Country Doctor
  1. 当然那辆车是找到了,而无国家医生组织的两名同事尚未找到。

    As a matter of fact that the car has been recovered , but unfortunately the two colleagues have not yet been found .

  2. 实行俾斯麦制度的国家,医生和医院往往是私人的;

    Doctors and hospitals tend to be private in Bismarck countries ;

  3. 他的国家的医生们都治不好他的病。

    The doctors in his country could not cure him .

  4. 在那个国家,医生受到高度重视。

    Doctors are highly appreciated in that country .

  5. 但是,在上述那个国家有医生因为实施安乐死而在监狱里服刑呢?

    Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails ?

  6. 西方国家的医生应该也乐于建议妇女产后食用这道中国菜。

    Any Western doctor should be happy to suggest such a Chinese dish after childbirth .

  7. 事实上,很多国家的医生甚至根本不知道还有更为便宜的仿制药。

    In fact , in many countries physicians may not even know that alternatives exist .

  8. 从20世纪80年代起,70多个热带国家的医生们都使用一种主要药物来治疗血吸虫病。

    Since the nineteen eighties , doctors in more than seventy tropical nations have used one main drug to treat schistosomiasis .

  9. 在发达国家,医生定期监测服用一线抗逆转录病毒药物的患者血液中的艾滋病病毒数量。

    Patients on first-line ARVs in the developed world are monitored regularly for the amount of HIV circulating in their blood .

  10. 贫穷国家的医生,尤其是那些非洲国家的医生,常仅能依靠体征来判断艾滋病的进展。

    Doctors in poor countries , especially in Africa , often rely on physical signs alone to track progression of the deadly disease .

  11. 毕竟,在这个国家,医生会因为担心患者感到痛苦而常常向其隐瞒癌症病情。

    This , after all , is a country whose doctors often keep the discovery of cancer from their patients for fear of upsetting them .

  12. 在大多数西方国家,医生这个职业意味着体面、高薪以及父母的认可&父母都喜欢炫耀说,我的孩子是医生。

    In most western countries , medicine is a profession that guarantees prestige , high salaries – and the approval of parents who love to brag about my child the doctor .

  13. 医学专业的录取分数线较低。在大多数西方国家,医生这个职业意味着体面、高薪以及父母的认可——父母都喜欢炫耀说,“我的孩子是医生”。

    In most western countries , medicine is a profession that guarantees prestige , high salaries - and the approval of parents who love to brag about " my child the doctor . "

  14. 但在一些国家,医生会找传统治疗师来帮忙。

    It means faith healers are the only choice in some places . The healers spread medical myths and even build distrust against doctors . But in some countries , doctors may seek help from traditional healers .

  15. 在这个国家,没有医生处方你也能买到抗菌素。

    You can buy antibiotics over the counter in this country .

  16. 国家最好的医生曾在这一个大堂中学习过。

    The country 's best doctors have studied in this very hall .

  17. 这头年轻的猩猩将会被维龙加国家公园的医生治疗。

    The young ape will be cared for by doctors in the Virunga gorilla sanctuary .

  18. 在大多数富裕的国家,家庭医生的数量和初始保健医生在持续衰减。

    In most affluent countries , the number of family physicians and primary care doctors continues to decline .

  19. 非英联邦国家受训的医生

    Non-Commonwealth trained medical practitioner

  20. PNHP是一个仅限于美国国内的专门致力于实施单一付费国家健康计划的医生组织。

    PNHP is the only national physician organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to implementing a single-payer national health program .

  21. 每一个需要看眼科的人都可以去国家注册的眼科医生那里就诊。

    Everyone who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state-registered oculist .

  22. 来自欧洲国家的一位医生曾告诉我美国的非处方药比其他国家多很多,但是每个国家都不同。

    S.has a lot more over-the-counter drugs than other countries , but each country is different .

  23. 我们以为投票选举之后将会结束这个国家的腐败,医生说,但是,一切都没有改变。

    We thought corruption would end after the polls , the doctor said , but nothing has changed .

  24. 一个国家至少要给医生,医务工作者和医院管理层拒绝参与安乐死的权利。

    A state must at least give the right to doctors , health workers and hospital managers to refuse to participate .