
  1. 促进课程和生活的结合&确立STS意识。

    To promote and combine the curriculum with daily life .

  2. 第一,突出专业能力的培养,促进课程的综合化;

    First , stress specialized competence training and stimulate curriculum comprehensiveness ;

  3. 为教师创造条件促进课程改革

    Study on Creating Condition for Teachers to Promote the Curriculum Reform

  4. 以就业为导向促进课程设置改革

    Research on the Course Reform of Taking Employment as the Guidance

  5. 巩固普实成果促进课程改革

    Consolidating Fruits of Popularizing Laboratory to Facilitate Curriculum Reformation

  6. 培育促进课程整合的校园文化

    Cultivating the School Culture in Favor of the Integration of IT with Curricula

  7. 利用信息技术促进课程教学改革

    Promote course teaching reform using IT

  8. 一些中小学校也积极探索教学管理的改革以促进课程及教学的改革。

    Some primary and high schools are also exploring teaching management positively to promote the reform of curriculum and teaching .

  9. 本研究力图在实践调查和理论研究结合的基础上,提出促进课程资源评价的具体对策。

    This study endeavor to advance specific strategies to improve the curriculum resources evaluation , on the basic of the practice investigating and theory study .

  10. 为促进课程建设,提高教学水平和教育质量,推动教育技术发展提供了有益的借鉴。

    To promote curriculum development , to raise teaching standards and quality of education , to impel the development of educational technology provides a useful reference .

  11. 借助课程评估促进课程建设发展,依托课程质量建设提高人才培养质量,已在我校形成共识。

    It has been generally acknowledged to accelerate the development of curriculum construction by curriculum evaluation and improve the quality of training by curriculum quality construction .

  12. 这两种方法试图改变传统的传授&接受单向教学模式,真正促进课程教学中的教学相长。

    The two methods are trying to change traditional teaching-accepting single way teaching mode and strength the mutual improvement of teaching and studying in class teaching .

  13. 通过比较研究不同版本的教材,吸收各自优点,能有效地促进课程改革和教材改革的发展和完善。

    A comparative study of different versions of the materials may absorb their respective advantages and effectively promote the development and perfection of teaching reformation and curriculum reformation .

  14. 作为其核心的课程成本主要呈现为机会性、类型多样和贯穿始终等特点,且能够规范课程投入、为课程评估提供参照和促进课程管理水平的提高,有利于课程实践。

    The curriculum cost can regulate the curriculum investment , provide the reference to the curriculum evaluation and help improve the curriculum management , bringing benefit to the curriculum practice .

  15. 提出了权重分配的几个原则,并对综合评价方法作了介绍,以期解决在综合评价问题上的困惑,促进课程改革的不断发展和完善。

    Put forward several principles about weight distribution , introduce some methods of integrated evaluation in order to solve the puzzle of integrated evaluation , advance the course reformation going ahead perfectly .

  16. 课程代价是从课程本体出发把握代价与课程发展的关系,为课程设置提供一种理性的新视野,促进课程可持续发展。

    The cost of curriculum means grasping the developmental relationship between cost and curriculum , providing a new rational perspective for the curriculum set-up in order to promote the sustainable development of curriculum .

  17. 学分制是一种教育管理体制由刚性向柔性的转化,充分体现了以学生为中心、强调素质教育的要求,有利于促进课程体系和教学内容的整体优化。

    The credit system is a kind of transformation of educational and managerial system from rigidity to flexibility , which fully shows students being the center and emphasis on the demand of quality-oriented education .

  18. 其特点是充分交互、有效协作,在过程中形成核心问题,通过核心问题的形成与解决促进课程教学的优化。

    The features of this mode are , full interaction , effective collaboration , core question raised during the process , the raise and solving of core question accelerates the optimization of curriculum teaching .

  19. 评价改革关键是在落实,把新的评价理念和评价方法引进到教育实践中,才会真正体现评价改革促进课程发展、教师提高、学生发展的意义。

    The key part of the change of evaluation is put the new concept and method into practice . Then evaluation can promote the development of curriculum , the advance of teachers and the progress of students .

  20. 高校《体育与健康》课程对促进课程建设与发展,深化体育教学改革,提高体育教学质量,实现新课程目标具有重要的意义。

    College " Sports and Health " program to promote construction and development of curriculum , deepen the reform of physical education to improve the quality of physical education , to achieve new curriculum goals of great significance .

  21. 它主张作为课程主体的教师自觉地主动地变革课程的各要素以达到促进课程完善、教师成长和学生发展的目的;强调教师在整个课程运作过程中都应该充分发挥主体性和创造性;

    It is argued that teachers , as the subject of curriculum , consciously and actively make change of all elements of curriculum so as to promote the perfection of curriculum and the development of teacher and student .

  22. 合作教育不仅是培养综合素质高的技术应用性人才的有效途径,而且可促进课程体系改革和教学内容不断更新,并促进教学手段和教学方法的改革。

    Cooperative education is an efficient way of training comprehensive quality practical talents with technology , it can both propel the renewal of curriculum system and teaching content and propel the reform of the means and methods of teaching .

  23. 在新课程背景下,研究中学物理教师重构教材内容的现状、策略,对于物理教师实现创造性、个性化教学,促进课程改革顺利实施具有强烈的现实意义。

    Under the new curriculum background , the research aiming at the physic teachers ' status quo as well as strategies for reconstruction of textbooks ' content will have enormous realistic meaning for both physic teachers and the course reform .

  24. 因此,本论文从理论上探讨了导航图在课程设计中的运用,认为运用导航图能够促进课程标准内容的选择和组织,也能够促进教材内容的选择和组织。

    So my paper theoretically explores that strand maps is used in the curriculum design , and thinks this use can promote curriculum standards content selection and organizations , but also to promote the teaching materials content selection and organization .

  25. 同时,要做好精品课程教学质量评估工作,包括建立评估指标体系,组织评估专家组,通过评估,促进课程建设及教学质量全面提高。

    Meantime , the evaluation of teaching quality of top-quality curriculum should be done well , which comprise of building index system of evaluation , organizing expert team of evaluation , and facilitating curriculum construction and enhancement of teaching quality through evaluation .

  26. 初中化学校本课程开发是实现关于保障和促进课程适应不同地区、学校、学生的要求,实行国家、地方和学校三级课程管理的初中化学新课程目标的要求。

    Junior middle school chemistry is to realize the development of school-based curriculum about security and promote course adapted to different areas , schools , students ' requirements , a state , local and school level 3 course management junior new chemistry course goal request .

  27. 本研究扩充了信息技术教学和探究式教学的理论内涵,为建构合理的整合与探究体系发挥着积极的作用,同时也能够促进课程目标的实现,加快新课程改革的前进步伐。

    This study extends the theory of technology and inquiry teaching , and plays an active role in constructing reasonable integration and inquiry systems . In the meanwhile , this study can also contribute to the realization of curriculum objectives and accelerate the progress of the new curriculum reform .

  28. 课程的多样化发展本身是一种进步,有助于建立体现综合性、选择性、均衡性的课程结构,解决课程改革实践中的许多难题,有助于课程改革走出理论困境和促进课程的本土化建设。

    Diversified curriculum is in itself a progress , which will help to establish the curriculum structure reflecting integration , choice and balance , to solve many problems in the curriculum reform , and to extricate the curriculum reform from the theoretical predicament while promoting the localization of curriculum .

  29. 利用任务驱动法促进PLC课程的一体化教学

    Using the Task-driven Mode to Improve the Integrated Teaching of PLC

  30. 针对此问题,本文应用当前流行的MATLAB软件辅助复杂电路分析,给出了两个电路实例,说明MATLAB在辅助电路教学中的有效应用,旨在该课程中引入MATLAB,进一步促进电路课程的教学改革。

    It shows MATLAB can work effectively in circuit calculation and the purpose of this paper is to promote the farther teaching innovation of circuit course by introducing MATLAB .