
  • 网络contributor;enabling factor;precipitating
  1. 信息技术是一个满足这些条件的主要促成因素。

    Information technologies are a major contributor for meeting these objectives .

  2. 跨平台应用的另一促成因素是一个嵌入式虚拟机监控程序,它支持web应用程序在任何智能手机上运行,而无需知道底层架构。

    Another enabler for cross-platform applications is an embedded hypervisor , which allows a web application to run on any smart phone without being aware of the underlying architecture .

  3. 结论:左向右分流型先心病肺高压时出现原弹性蛋白mRNA再表达且蛋白积聚位置异常,肺血管壁高张力(高压力)是弹性蛋白合成增加的主要促成因素。

    It is concluded that hypertension of pulmonary arteriole , that is main factor to promote the increase of elastin synthesis , can lead to both of re-expression of tropoelastin mRNA and accumulation of elastin in abnormal sites .

  4. 结论:更年期女性NIDDM患者性激素失调可能是其微血管并发症发生或促成因素之一。

    Conclusions : Sex hormone disorder in female NIDDM patients in the climacterium may be one of the factors to induce micrangium complications or to foster it .

  5. 可持续消费与可持续发展是良性互动的关系,经济发展水平决定消费水平,可持续消费又是实现可持续发展的促成因素。

    Relation between sustainable consumption and sustainable development is benign and interaction .

  6. 青年失业人数的迅速上升是导致这一问题的主要促成因素。

    Escalating levels of youth unemployment are a major contributing factor to this problem .

  7. 其促成因素是寻求无论失去还是得到都同样令人失望的东西;

    Its impulse is to seek things that are equally disappointing whether they are missed or acquired .

  8. 第一章重点分析了《中国青年报》特别报道栏目批评报道的选题特点以及选题特点的促成因素分析。

    Chapter 1 focuses on analyzing subject selection of the Special Report of China Youth Daily and its resons .

  9. 结论研究结果表明,倾向因素不是阻碍医院执行无烟政策的主要因素,强化和促成因素才是主要障碍。

    ConclusionThe findings indicated that enabling factors and reinforcing factors were the main barriers in the implementation of SFHP .

  10. 缺乏锻炼不是引起心脏病惟一原因,但肯定是一促成因素。

    Too little exercise isn 't the only cause of heart disease but it 's certainly a contributory factor .

  11. 第三个促成因素是恶劣的经济情况,罗马帝国内部衰弱,人口减少。

    A third contributory cause was the economic wretchedness , internal decay and falling population of the Roman Empire .

  12. 由于软件开发更多地移向工程师原则,所以基于工程的资产将成为此转换的关键促成因素。

    As software development moved more toward an engineer discipline , asset based engineering will be a key enabler of this transition .

  13. 雄激素受体基因突变、多种途径引起的异常磷酸化激活和共激活物的调节失控等是激素非依赖性前列腺癌形成的主要促成因素。

    The mutation of androgen receptor gene , abnormal phosphorylation and abnormal regulation of co-activators contribute to the formation of androgen-independent prostate cancer .

  14. 我们已经看到:达尔富尔冲突的一个促成因素是雨量变化,这引发了游牧民族与定居农民之间的争斗。

    We are already seeing this : a contributing factor to the conflict in Darfur has been a change in rainfall that pitted nomadic herders against settled farmers .

  15. 当作为促成因素时,应与加害人的过错存在相均数相当因果关系,当作为共同原因时,应以判断加害人过错与损害之间因果关系的相同标准来判断。

    When it is considered as common causation , it should be judged with the same criterion judging the causality between the fault of injuring party and the damage .

  16. 官方的奖励和家庭的教育固然是导致这一现象产生的原因之一,但理学贞节观的强化及广泛传播当是其一个更为深刻的促成因素。

    Though the official awards and family education were among the reasons of their emergence , the stress and dissemination of the Confucian duteous concepts was actually of more importance .

  17. 影响苏州市社区居民群众体育需求的主要因素分别是居民自身特征、经济条件、倾向因素、促成因素和强化因素。

    ( b ) The primary factors affect demands of mass sports of Suzhou Inhabitants is their own characteristic , personal income , predisposing factor , enabling factor and the reinforcing factor .

  18. 立嗣于宋代形成制度,浓厚的宗法家族观念是其土壤,日益增多的立嗣之讼是其主要促成因素。

    Making inheritor became a system in Song dynasty , the thick idea of ancestry and family was the base , and the increasing lawsuit of making inheritor was the main promoted factor .

  19. 纳西族东巴文化举世闻名,是现代和当代国际纳西学热和纳西族地区旅游大潮汹涌的一个最重要的促成因素。

    Naxi ' Dongba culture is well world-famous , It is the modern and contemporary international Naxi study heat and the surging tide of regional tourism one of the most important contributing factors .

  20. 犯罪人往往是刑法学研究刑罚和犯罪的入手点,而加害与被害的互动关系却通常被忽略,被害人的过错行为却是不可忽视的犯罪发生促成因素。

    Crime is often the study of criminal law and criminal penalty points , and hurt and killed interactive relationship is usually neglected , the fault behavior cannot be ignored however crime contributing factors .

  21. 要有效地预防此类犯罪,必须分析前段时期毁林犯罪案件的一般规律及特点,研究当前毁林犯罪案件的动向变化趋势和毁林犯罪案件的促成因素及动向变化原因。

    To effectively prevent such crime , both the analysis on the general laws and features of the previous one and the study of the tendency and causes of the immediate one must be made .

  22. 哲学因素为十九世纪德国科学中心促成因素之&哲学革命是科学中心的先导。

    Philosophy is one of the factors , which bring about the center of science in Germany in 19th century . Actually speaking , philosophical revolution is often the precursor of development of the center of science .

  23. 其诱因为焦虑、怨恨、嫉妒和矫饰;其促成因素是寻求无论失去还是得到都同样令人失望的东西;其后果是产生一种怯懦的想法,认为一切均是徒劳。

    Its agents are worry and resentment , envy and show . Its impulse is to seek things that are equally disappointing whether they are missed or acquired . Its result is an abject conviction that everything is futile .

  24. 人为原因主要是人类活动引起的各个方面消极影响,从分蓄洪湖泊退化、水土流失、河道设障、堤防标准低四个方面进行了论述,这些是我国洪灾的促成因素。

    Human factor is the negative influence of humanity activities , including degeneration of lakes restoring capacity for floodwater , water and soil losing , barrier in watercourses , low flood control criteria of dykes , which is apt to bring about flood damages .

  25. 首先本文从供需两方面综合考虑了以下高房价的促成因素:国民收入水平的上升、土地因素、政策因素、开发成本因素、城市化进程以及世博会、游资等其他因素。

    First , this paper considers factors that contribute to the high price from both supply and demand , these factors include the rise of income , land factors , policy factors , building cost factors , urbanization and other factors such as the EXPO and hot money .

  26. 针对伦敦金融服务业员工成立的非营利性组织伦敦金融城心理健康联盟(CityMentalHealthAlliance)的联合创始人、律师奈杰尔琼斯(NigelJones)表示,科技是一个促成焦虑的因素。

    Technology is a contributing factor , says Nigel Jones , a lawyer and co-founder of the City Mental Health Alliance , a non-profit organisation for London 's financial services workers .

  27. 起促成作用的因素、原因等

    A contributory factor , cause , etc

  28. 其它促成催化的因素来自结合水分子,金属离子或其它因子。

    Additional contributions to catalysis can come from bound water molecules , metal ions , or other factors .

  29. 不同性别、不同学科、所找工作种类不同的研究生感知到职业生涯入口处的促成及阻碍因素不同。

    Different gender , different disciplines ' graduates and ones finding different jobs perceived different promotions and impediments at the career entrance . Finally , based on research findings , advices were given to postgraduates , universities and the employing units .

  30. 结合复习文献探讨了环孢素A(CsA)引起高尿酸血症的可能机制和促成结石形成的因素。

    With literature review , we discussed the possible mechanism of hyperuricemia caused by CsA and the factors leading to the formation of uric acid stone .