
  • 网络educational crisis;a crisis in education
  1. 涉毒家庭子女教育危机与对策分析

    The Educational Crisis of the Children Concerned with Family Drugs and Countermeasure

  2. 泡沫管理的实质是官僚主义。泡沫管理导致的严重后果是教育危机征象的凸显。

    The essence of bubble management is bureaucracy causing the educational crisis .

  3. 20世纪70年代,美国高等教育危机重重。

    In the 1970s , American higher education was in great crisis .

  4. 解脱教育危机的关键在哪里?

    What is the key to riddance from educational crisis ?

  5. 教育危机与转机&对民族传统体育学科教育的思考

    Educational Crises and Opportunities & Reflections on the Traditional National Sports Disciplines

  6. 从危机禁忌谈到中国的教育危机

    China 's Educational Crisis seen from " Crisis " Taboo

  7. 欧洲教育危机:大学教育费用激增。

    Europe 's Education Crisis : College Costs Soar .

  8. 母语教育危机下的汉语文学分科教学(汉语、日语)草字[书]

    Division Teaching of Chinese and Literature in the Mother Language Education Crisis ;

  9. 往好了说,电脑只能解决美国教育危机的部分问题。

    At best computers can offer a partial answer to America 's education crisis .

  10. 教育危机的深刻社会根源是技术社会所造成的人之异化的危机。

    The profound social root of education crisis lies in the crisis of human dissimilation caused by technological society .

  11. 从根本上说,教育危机的实质,在于教育不能承担创造未来的使命。

    Basically speaking the essence of the education crisis is that education can 't complete as mission of creating the future .

  12. 因家庭涉毒所引发的子女教育危机及其社会危害性是有目共睹的。

    The educational crisis of the children concerned with family drugs and its social damage is there for all to see .

  13. 人口危机,教育危机,失业危机,暴力危机,还有女孩们的危机。

    A crisis of demographics , a crisis of education , a crisis of employment , a crisis of violence and a crisis for girls .

  14. 我们认为职业道德教育危机不会自发地消亡,职业道德要提高,教育是基础。

    We thinks the crisis on professional morality education cannot wither away by itself , stress that the promotion of professional morality is based on education .

  15. 我不懂财政危机什么的,但我知道我们当下正面临着严峻的教育危机。

    I don 't know about a fiscal cliff , but I know there 's an educational cliff that we are walking over right this very second ,

  16. 在中学历史教学中注重培养学生的历史思维能力,是摆脱历史教育危机真正实现历史学科素质教育的有效途径。

    To cultivate the students ' thought of history in teaching of history of middle school is an effective approach to extricate education of history from crises and to realize authentically quality education of subject of history .

  17. 我向统一民主阵线、国民教育危机处理委员会、南非青年会、德兰士瓦省及纳塔尔印度人大会、南非贸易联合会以及其他各种形式的群众民主运动组织致敬。

    I salute the United Democratic Front , the National Education Crisis Committee , the South African Youth Congress , the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congresses , and COSATU and the many other formations of the Mass Democratic Movement .

  18. 尽管拥有柯蒂斯和朱利亚音乐学院(julliard)等名校,但郎朗表示,音乐教育的危机出现在美国,而非中国。

    In spite of such fine schools as the Curtis and the Julliard , the crisis in music education , Lang Lang says , is in the US , not in China .

  19. 学前儿童美术教育的危机与挑战

    The Crises and Challenges in the Artistic Education for Preschool Children

  20. 转型中的中国高等教育质量危机与治理对策

    The Crisis in the Transformation of Chinese Higher Education and the Countermeasures

  21. 零缝隙心理健康教育和危机干预机制的构建与实践

    Construction and practice of zero-gap mental health education and crisis intervention mechanism

  22. 新保守主义与美国大学自由教育的危机

    Neo-conservatism and the conflicts about literal education in American universities

  23. 我们国家有教育标准危机。

    We have a crisis in standards in this country .

  24. 高等教育财政危机:发展中国家解决途径述评

    Financial Crisis of Higher Education : Commenting the Resolvents in Developing Countries

  25. 经济本体论与我国道德教育的危机

    Economic ontology and crisis of China 's moral education

  26. 投入不足:农村基础教育面临危机

    Lack of Investment A Crisis in Rural Education

  27. 论教育病理危机的突破&临床教育心理学的价值

    Breakthrough in the Crisis of Educational Pathology & the Value of Clinical Educational Psychology

  28. 应对入世挑战寻求对策措施&我国高等农业教育的危机与出路

    Facing Challenges of WTO and Seeking Countermeasures & Crisis and Outlet for Agricultural Higher Education in China

  29. 拯救孱弱的灵魂&我国当前青少年价值观教育的危机与救赎

    Saving the Frail Soul : the Present Crisis in the Teenagers ' Value Education and Its Relieving

  30. 现代教育的危机实质是教育意义的危机,而教育意义的危机根源于知识论哲学。

    Significance crisis is the essential of modern education crisis , and it roots in the traditional epistemology philosophy .