
  1. 青少年越轨突发事件的计划?

    For the teens-gone-wild contingency plan , isn 't it ?

  2. 当前青少年越轨行为的特点及成因

    The Character and Causes of Present Adolescent Deviant Behaviors

  3. 对当前青少年越轨行为的亚文化探析

    A Discussion and Analysis on the Sub - cultures of Teenager 's Transgressive Behaviors

  4. 本次研究试图从越轨行为的性别差异的角度,探讨青少年越轨问题。

    This study tries to discuss juvenile delinquencies through the angle of sex difference .

  5. 随着社会经济的发展和价值多元化态势的日益显现,青少年越轨行为成为社会普遍关注的问题。

    With the development of economy and diversification of value , escapade behavior of adolescents has become a common social issue .

  6. 文化、都市化及家庭因素的消极方面是青少年越轨行为的三大主因。

    , according to the condition of adolescent deviant behaviors . The negative aspects of culture , urbanization and family are the main causes .

  7. 预防和减少青少年越轨行为是一个系统工程,需要家庭、学校、社会及各职能部门齐抓共管,共同努力。

    It is a systematic project to reduce and prevent escapade behavior , and it needs the cooperation of family , school and other relevant social sections .

  8. 社会“失范”必然会对学生的行为产生直接或间接的影响,容易诱发青少年学生越轨行为的发生。

    The society " anomie " is sure to influence directly or indirectly the student behaviors , and is liable to cause the juvenile deviance .

  9. 依据传播学中两级传播理论与社会学中的社会化理论对性越轨行为的产生进行分析,从社会控制的角度提出了加强青少年网络性越轨控制的措施。

    This essay , by applying the Bipolar Diffusionism theory of Journalism and the Socialization theory of Sociology to analyze the causes of the sex aberration , puts forwards ways and measures to enhance the control of adolescent sex aberration from the social control perspective .

  10. 构建符合时代特点和青少年身心健康发展的社会亚文化氛围,是预防和遏制当前青少年越轨行为的重要措施。

    That establish an environment of sub-culture to match the ages characteristics and the healthy development in mind and body of teenager is the important measure to prevent the teenager 's transgressive behavior .