
wén huà bō duó
  • cultural deprivation
  1. 社会文化剥夺与精神发育迟缓&南京市某家庭三个孩子的调查报告

    Sociocultural deprivation and mental retardation : a report of three MR siblings in one family

  2. 为此他们各自提出了自己的改造方案。罗蒂的后哲学文化强调剥夺哲学的特权,使之融入文化的其他领域之中,成为一个平等的对话者;

    Rorty 's theory of culture of post-philosophy places stress on depriving the philosophy of privilege , and let the philosophy merge with other field of human culture and serve as an equal discourser .

  3. 以色列电影,讲述两个冰雪聪明的女孩将揭示传统的宗教文化压抑女性并剥夺女性发言权的事实。

    In The Secrets , two brilliant young women discover their own voices in a repressive orthodox culture where females are forbidden to sing , let alone speak out .