
jiào biān
  • pointer
教鞭 [jiào biān]
  • [pointer] 教师在讲课时用来指点黑板、挂图等的细长棍儿

教鞭[jiào biān]
  1. 她用教鞭敲了敲世界地图。

    She tapped on the world map with her pointer .

  2. 针对教育电教化,实现互动教学,设计了基于HID(人机接口设备)类设备的无线教鞭。

    For electricity modernization of education and carrying out interaction teaching , wireless pointer based on HID ( Human Interface Device ) class should be designed .

  3. 给他的惩罚是挨六教鞭。

    His punishment was six strokes of the cane .

  4. VISUALBASIC制作简易电子教鞭的设计方案

    How to Make a Electron Ferule with Visual Basic

  5. 基于Agent的电子教鞭系统

    An E - ferule Application Based on Agent

  6. 多兰盛怒难却,请来老牌摇滚歌星卢•里德(LouReed)执掌教鞭。

    Dolan grew furious and hired ancient rocker Lou Reed to coach .

  7. 亚历克斯•弗格森爵士(SirAlexFerguson)在执掌曼联教鞭的近27年里,率队夺得38座奖杯。

    In his nearly 27 years as manager , Sir Alex Ferguson has won 38 trophies .

  8. 简述了WINDOWS中不规则窗口的创建方法,并用Delphi4.0设计了一个教鞭程序,用于多媒体教室的教学、讲座等。

    This paper briefly introduces the method to create irregular Windows in WINDOWS , then design a pointers program in Delphi 4.0 for teaching and lectures of multimedia classrooms .

  9. 两年前在他结接过Nelson的教鞭时,他已经做了快5个月的助教。

    He had been an assistant for less than five months when he took over for Nelson two years ago .

  10. 从抓屏、绘制图形、图形重绘、显示图形等几方面阐述了如何使用VISUALBASIC编程技术实现简单电子教鞭的功能,从而有助于进一步提高教学效率。

    This paper elaborates how to make a electron ferule with Visual Basic from such aspects as how to catch screen pictures , draw a sketch , sketch heavy draw , and display sketches , so as further to improve teaching efficiency .

  11. 在这本书中,Goldratt拿起教鞭,讲述了他的逻辑和清晰的思想,向我们展示了他的快乐宣言。

    In this book Goldratt takes to the soap-box and presents his manifesto for happiness through logic and clear thinking .

  12. 描述了在Authorware中实现对象同步移动的设计思想和方法,重点讨论了对象同步移动技术应用中容易被忽视的细节,最后给出了一个基于该技术的电子教鞭示例程序。

    We proposed a methods for designing the object synchronous motion in Authorware , and chiefly discussed the details of its applications which tend to be ignored in common . Finally , we illustrated an implementation of electronic ferule program based on Authorware .

  13. 英国小学老师过去常用教鞭打男学生作为惩罚。

    English schoolmasters used to cane the boys as a punishment .

  14. 华伦一直很严肃地讲着,挥动着手里的教鞭。

    Warren had been talking along very solemnly , flourishing his pointer .

  15. 多媒体教学用激光电子教鞭的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Laser-Electronic Ferule for Multimedia Teaching

  16. 正在作情况介绍的海军上将拿起他的教鞭。

    The admiral giving the briefing took his pointer .

  17. 教鞭哪儿去了?啊,在那儿。

    Where 's the pointer gone to ? Oh , there it is .

  18. 他的教鞭随着他讲话微微摇摆。

    His pointer vibrates slightly as he talks .

  19. 前任切尔西主教练拉涅利拿起了帕尔马的教鞭。

    Former Chelsea chief Claudio Ranieri has secured a return to management with Parma .

  20. 给他的惩罚是挨六教鞭。

    His punishment was sixs of the cane .

  21. 重新拿起教鞭的已婚妇女需要重温过去的教书技能。

    A married woman returning to teaching needs to furbish up her old skills .

  22. 我一直希望经营自己的事业,拿起教鞭,萨内蒂接着透露。

    I always wanted to have my own business and to teach , she adds .

  23. 反映到我们的学校里,便是精神病医生取代了教鞭。

    In our schools this is reflected by the vanishing hickory stick and the emerging psychiatrist .

  24. 为多媒体教室制作教鞭

    Making Pointers for Multi-media Classrooms

  25. 在达拉斯,一项运动试图让教鞭回归。

    In Dallas , there 's a push to return the rod well , the paddle anyway .

  26. 他手中的教鞭和戒尺现在很少闲着,至少对那些年龄较小的同学可以这么说。

    His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now & at least among the smaller pupils .

  27. 自科比什利结构教鞭以来,西汉姆的一直与其不佳,他们的锋线总是受到伤病的困扰。

    West Ham have not had much good fortune on the injury front since Curbishley took over .

  28. 维拉经理麦克利什接过教鞭之后就只会杨会离开。

    Villa 's manager , Alex McLeish , knew when he took the job that Young would be leaving .

  29. 自从去年夏天从邓加手中接过国家队的教鞭以来,梅尼士便期待着打造出一支才华出众的年轻球队。

    Menezes has been keen to blood exciting young talent since taking over the reins from Dunga last summer .

  30. 为了抓住虚拟听众的注意力,他可以使用教鞭和亮光笔。

    To draw the attention of the virtual audience to a particular section of the screen , he can use pointers and highlighters .