
  • 网络teacher employment system
  1. 美国教师聘任制状况研究

    Study on the Teacher Employment System in America

  2. 对教师聘任制的理解不够;

    Understanding on the teacher employment system is superficial .

  3. 论大学教师聘任制改革中的科学管理

    On the scientific management in the reform of faculty employment-appointment system

  4. 理论视域与实践视域中教师聘任制的法律问题

    The Legal Problems of Teachers-engagement System in Theory and in Practice

  5. 论教师聘任制与人本管理思想的结合

    The combination of teacher recruitment and appointment system and human-oriented management theories

  6. 大学教师聘任制是把双刃剑

    The Appointment System for College Teachers Is a Double-edged Sword

  7. 大学教师聘任制改革的法理研究

    The Legal Analysis on the Appointment Reform of University Teachers

  8. 我国中小学有效实施教师聘任制的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis on the Effective Measures for School Teachers ' Appointment System

  9. 论教师聘任制的改革与完善

    On the Improvement and Perfection of Teachers ' Employment System

  10. 高校教师聘任制改革背景下的教师心理自我调适

    Higher Learning Institution Teachers ' Self Psychological Adjustment in Contract-Employment System Reform

  11. 论推进教师聘任制改革的要点

    The Keys to the Reform of Teachers ' Engagement System

  12. 论教师聘任制优势发挥的条件

    On the Terms of Advantage of the System of Appointment of Teacher

  13. 行政法律关系视野中的教师聘任制

    Views on teacher appointment from the perspective of the relation of administration and law

  14. 我市中小学于2001年全部实施了教师聘任制。

    The employment system of primary and high school teachers was implemented in 2001 .

  15. 实践视域下公立高校教师聘任制合同的法律性质

    The nature of the engagement contract of teachers in the light of public universities

  16. 高校教师聘任制对教师的激励效应分析

    Analysis of Motivation Effect of Faculty Employment - Appointment System in Higher Institutions on Teachers

  17. 完善学校人事制度,建立科学公平的教师聘任制。

    The fair and reasonable teacher appointment mechanism should be established by perfecting teacher personnel reform .

  18. 关于教师聘任制的新思考

    On Teachers ' ? Engagement System

  19. 我国高校教师聘任制政策研究&基于政策内容分析的视角

    Research on College Teachers Appointment Policy in China & From the perspective of policy content analysis

  20. 我国普通高校教师聘任制改革的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Reform of the Engagement System of Faculty in Chinese General Colleges and Universities

  21. 第四部分主要是对教师聘任制实施过程中教师聘任合同的问题进行理论思考,并提出应有的对策。

    The fourth part focuses on the problem of teachers ' recruitment contract , and proposes relevant strategies .

  22. 对广东省属高校教师聘任制改革的思考及建议

    The Reflections and Suggestions for the Reform of the System of Appointment in the Provincial Universities and Colleges

  23. 论高校教师聘任制改革中的若干政策性问题

    On the Several Problems of Policy in the Faculty Employment and Appointment System Reform in Institutions of HE

  24. 其三,教师聘任制有利于克服传统计划经济体制下任命制的弊端。

    The system of appointment of teacher also can overcome traditional planned economic system appointment that make drawback .

  25. 采用国有民办新运作机制建立的独立学院具有推行和实施教师聘任制的独特优势。

    Independence Institute run by non-governmental sectors but state-owned has its distinct dominance in the implementation of the system .

  26. 农村中小学教师聘任制改革研究

    A Study on the Reform of the Teacher Employment System in the Primary and Middle Schools in the Rural Regions

  27. 加快教育研究步伐,以探索出完善中小学教师聘任制的理论与方法;

    Accelerate the step of the educational research to seek after theories and methods of perfecting the teacher employment system .

  28. 教师聘任制是与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的一种新型的教师管理制度。

    The Teacher ' Engagement System is a new type teachers managing system adapted to the socialist marketing system economic system .

  29. 教师聘任制这种新型的用人机制,主要是使学校在完善多年岗位聘任制基础上进一步深化学校的用人制度改革,逐渐实行聘任合同制。

    Teacher employment system , this new kind of person-employing mechanism mainly makes schools gradually carry out teacher employment contract system .

  30. 委托-代理视野中的学术职业管理&中国大学教师聘任制改革的理论依据与制度设计

    Perspective of Delegation-Agent of the Academic Profession : Theoretical Construction and System Design of Reforming the Faculty Employment System in China