
  1. 威尔士资格认证、教育与教学工作计划和评估部

    Qualifications , Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales

  2. 院系教学管理是为实现培养目标而对教学工作进行的计划、组织、控制、协调的过程,它是学校教学管理的前提和基础。

    Teaching management of department in colleges and universities is the process of planning , organizing , controlling , and coordinating the works of teaching in order to achieve stated education goals , and it is the premise and basis of the management of universities .

  3. 学院教学管理是直接面向教学第一线的教学单位为实现培养目标而对教学工作进行的计划、组织、控制、协调的过程。

    Teaching administration of College is a process that the first line teaching units directly plan organizing control and coordinate the teaching jobs in order to finish the teaching goals .