
  • 网络education management;Educational Administration;Education Administration
  1. 电大开放教育教育管理专业是教育部中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目的一个重要的专业。在四年的办学过程中,专业办学获得很大的成功。

    As the major in Education Management for Open Education has been running for four years , great accomplishments have been achieved .

  2. 开放教育试点教育管理专业学员的知识、能力和素质结构状况调查及研究分析报告。

    The paper makes an investigation and analysis of the structure of knowledge , capability and quality of the students of educational administration specialty in the Pilot Open Education Program .

  3. 但随着办学的发展,教育管理专业的办学实施也逐步显露出许多问题。

    But many problems appeared along the way .

  4. 高等教育管理专业化与高校管理干部队伍高学历、高职称化是高等教育发展的必然趋势。

    It is a tendency in the development of higher education that management in colleges and universities is more and more specialized and the management personnel with higher educational background are needed .

  5. 你知道哪所大学有教育学管理专业吗?

    A.Do you know which college has the major of education administration ?

  6. 高职教育管理类专业案例教学的模式与机制分析

    The Mode and Mechanism of the Case Teaching in the Management Specialty of Higher Vocational Education

  7. 开放教育工商管理专业教学设计原则思考

    Reflection on the principle of the teaching design for the management of industry and commerce of open education

  8. 关于开放教育物业管理专业品牌课程建设的思考

    Reflections on the Construction of Well-Known Brand Course Of the Speciality of Real Estate Management of distance open education

  9. 我国高等职业教育旅游管理专业课程设置改革势在必行。

    It 's necessary to conduct the reform of curriculum for the Major of Tourism Management in higher vocational education .

  10. 本文主要从中等职业教育酒店管理专业学生应具备的职业能力入手,通过职业能力的内涵分析,职业能力的构成,职业能力培养的途径方法,以及在培养的过程中对存在的问题进行探讨。

    This paper presents the structure , training methods and problems in training of professional ability by analyzing the connotation of professional capacity .

  11. 第三,运用数据统计分析的方法,对我国教育经济管理专业博士点、硕士点的时间分布空间分布以及专业研究方向情况进行描述。

    In addition , we depicted the issues of units granting doctorates and master programs of educational economic and management discipline from the aspects of time and regional distribution as well as research direction , by using statistics .

  12. 本文作者结合教学及管理工作实践,从电大远程开放教育工商管理专业实践教学原则建立、体系形成、内容、方法改进以及质量评估等方面对该专业教学实践环节的教学改革途径进行了初步探索。

    Combining with the practice of teaching and management , the author makes tentative exploration in the way of practical teaching reformation in such aspects as the establishment of practical teaching rules , the formation of system , the betterment of content and techniques and the quality assessment etc.

  13. 教育行政管理人员专业化路径研究&基于对地县教育局长的调查

    On Specialization of Educational Administrators : Based on the Investigation of Educational Bureau Director

  14. 高等教育中的管理专业教育也因此而面临着来自管理教育自身发展,来自高新技术革命,来自多元文化等多方面的严峻挑战。

    Management course in higher education has to face with the grim challenges , high and new technology revolution as well as diversified culture .

  15. 基于此,本文提出了一些加强教育经济与管理专业高层次人才培养及学科建设的对策建议。

    Based on this , this paper puts forward some suggestion to strengthen subject construction and talent cultivating countermeasures of educational economics and management .

  16. 通过对比分析可以发现,我国硕士研究生课程受观念、教育管理传统、专业划分模式和社会实践平台等因素的影响很深。

    Through the comparison and analysis , we can find our curriculum is deeply influenced by the traditional concepts , educational management , the mode of major division and the stage of social practice .

  17. 我国教育经济与管理专业学科发展速度喜人,但仍存在着研究范式缺失、课程体系错位、研究人员匮乏和教学形式与方法单一的困境。

    The speed of its development in China is satisfactory , but there still lies the plight in terms of research paradigm , curriculum system , researchers and the form and ( method ) of teaching .

  18. 创新教育,是旅游管理专业人才培养的方向;

    The innovation education is the direction of talents cultivation of tourism management ;

  19. 专攻妇科医学的医生。论学生教育管理与中医学专业创新人才培养

    A specialist in gynecology . On educational management of the students and nurturing of creative professionals of Chinese medicine

  20. 医学新教学模式在创新性人才培养中的作用论学生教育管理与中医学专业创新人才培养

    Functions of New Medical Teaching Mode on Innovative Talents Training ; On educational management of the students and nurturing of creative professionals of Chinese medicine

  21. 远程开放教育条件下工商管理专业主干课程教与学模式改革课题组构建了任务驱动型教学模式。

    The studying team of " the main course teaching learning mode reform in Administration Management in Modern Open Distance Education " set up task-driving teaching mode .

  22. 论学生教育管理与中医学专业创新人才培养中医学专业创新人才培养模式研究的时代背景及其理念

    On educational management of the students and nurturing of creative professionals of Chinese medicine Background study and concept research on training patterns of creative talents in the field of Chinese medical science of our age

  23. 结合开放教育本科公共事业管理(教育管理)专业课程的教学实践,探讨了基于网络环境下的分类案例教学方法,建立了符合专业课程特色的基于网络案例教学模式。

    Based on teaching practice the article discusses the web-based classified case teaching , so as to construct the Web-Based Case Teaching model and provides reference to other courses .

  24. 研究性学习:开放教育毕业论文指导的重要策略&从教育管理专业(本科)毕业论文的指导说起

    Research Learning & An Important Strategy for Graduation Thesis Instruction of Open Education in TV Universities

  25. 为适应新世纪对职业教育人才知识和能力的要求,职业技术教育管理专业必须对培养目标、课程设置进行改革。

    To meet the demand of vocational education talents of new century for knowledge and capabilities , the training target and courses of the speciality have to be reformed .

  26. 医学教育临床实践管理中的伦理和法律问题论学生教育管理与中医学专业创新人才培养

    On Practice of Clinical Medical Teaching in New Situation On educational management of the students and nurturing of creative professionals of Chinese medicine

  27. 指出MPA教育在我国尚处于起步阶段,课程的设计和教育模式的创建也处在摸索阶段。分析了MPA教育与行政管理专业的区别及我国目前MPA教育课程体系的现状。

    In China , MPA education is still in the beginning period , hence , the curriculum planning and construction of education model are under exploration .

  28. 民办教育机构的上市运作,有助于解决民间资本的本质属性与教育投资的规模性、教育机构的永续性、教育管理的专业性和教育资源配置的效率性之间的一系列矛盾。

    Listing operation of the non-governmental educational institution can solve a series of contradictions between essential attribute of the folk capital and these issues such as scale of education investments , continuing forever of the educational institution , professional lines of management for education and efficiency of educational resource distribution .