
  • 网络teacher expectation
  1. 教师期望是教师在对学生了解的基础上对学生所形成的一种期待与关注,是一种巨大的教育力量。

    Teacher expectation , as a tremendous teaching force , is teachers ' expectation and concern of students based on the knowledge of them .

  2. 在英语教学中,应采取多种措施,促进对学生适当的、积极的教师期望的形成,从而有效地提高英语教学水平。

    In English teaching , various measures should be taken to help the formation of suitable and positive teacher expectation effects so as to improve the English teaching level effectively .

  3. 简论教师期望理论及其在体育教学中的应用

    The Theory of Teacher Expectations and Its Application in Sports Teaching

  4. 初中生感知英语教师期望的现状如何?

    What is the situation of students ' perception teachers ' expectation ?

  5. 国外教师期望研究综述

    A Literature Review of the Study on Teacher Expectancy Abroad

  6. 大学生对化学教师期望的调查分析与策略研究

    Investigation and Analysis on the Expectancy about Chemistry Teachers of University Students

  7. 教师期望效应的理论和应用

    The Theory and Application of the Teacher 's Expectation Effect

  8. 学生感知到高教师期望会加强他们英语学习的自信心。

    Teachers ' higher expectancy to students could enhance their confidence in learning English .

  9. 教师期望效应的功能及其在新课程中的实践

    Teachers ' Expectation and Teaching Practice in the Light of the New Curriculum Standards

  10. 浅论体育教学中的教师期望效应

    On Teacher Expectancy Effect in Physical Education Teaching

  11. 新疆少数民族护理大专实习生对临床带教教师期望的质性研究

    Qualitative Study on Junior College Minority Students ' Expectations of Clinical Teachers in Xinjiang

  12. 自我价值感在教师期望对目标取向各维度的影响上起到了中介作用。

    Self-worth played a meditative role in the relevance between teacher-expectancy and the dimensions of goal orientation .

  13. 小学教师期望、学生知觉的教师期望行为存在性别差异和年级差异。

    Expectations of primary school teachers , teacher expectations of students perceived sex differences and grade differences .

  14. 教师期望效应具有激励、调整、转化、支援性功能。

    The Effect of Teacher 's Expectation has the functions of encouragement , adjustment , transformation and support .

  15. 研究教师期望及其对小学生人格的影响,符合理论发展和教育工作的要求。

    Studying teacher expectations and their impact on the primary character , consistent with theoretical development and education requirements .

  16. 教师期望的改变对初中生自我价值感及动机信念影响的实验研究

    Experimental Researches on the Effects of the Teacher-expectancy on the Self-worth Sense and the Motivational Belief of Middle School Students

  17. 学历因素对城乡小学教师期望参与和实际参与都没有显著影响,学历为专科的城乡小学教师实际参与学校决策存在差异。

    Academic factors have no significantly affected on the urban and rural primary school teachers ' expectant participate and actual participation .

  18. 教师期望是一种情感效应,是教师对学生未来发展的可能性预测。

    Teachers ' expectation is a kind of emotional effect and a possible prediction of the students ' development in the future .

  19. 本研究表明积极的教师期望是增强学生二语学习成就动机的一种有效的方法。

    The findings from the study indicate that teacher expectations offer an effective way for enhancing students ' achievement motivation in L2 learning .

  20. 初中生人格物质、教师期望与学业求助行为的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship among the Personality Traits of Students in Junior High Schools , Teacher 's Expectancy and Academic Help-seeking Behaviors

  21. 从英语学习者的情感因素看,教师期望效应的运用是一种有效的情感手段。

    The application of " Teacher 's Expectancy Effects " is an effective affective approach terms of the learner 's , affective factors .

  22. 1-6年级教师期望、学生知觉的教师期望行为总体是稳定的,教师期望水平高于学生知觉的教师期望行为水平,年级差异达到了显著性水平。

    1-6 grade teacher expectations , student perceptions of teacher expectations in general is stable , but the grade difference reached significant levels .

  23. 近年来,教师期望效应一直是许多教育学家和心理学家关注的研究论题。

    Over the past few years , teacher expectancy effect has ever been a research topic which arouses concern of many educators and psychologists .

  24. 有助于丰富和补充教师期望理论以及人格发展机制理论。

    Help to enrich and supplement the teachers and the expectations theory of personality development mechanism , to provide quality education methods and theoretical support .

  25. 教师期望对学生的发展有着重要影响,而教师期望效应的实现过程实际上就是师生之间的情感互动过程。

    The teacher expectancy effect has important influence on students ' development and its realization course is the course of affective interaction between teachers and students .

  26. 当前少年儿童精神环境中存在着精神食粮相对贫乏、精神污染值得警惕、家长教师期望值过高、孩子压力过大等诸多问题。

    Now in the mental environment of children there are a lot of problems such as lack of mental food , mental pollution and over-high expectation .

  27. 文章在充分分析教师期望效应的形成的基础上,阐述其在体育教学中的作用,并更好的应用这种期望效应。

    Based on deep understanding of teacher expectancy effect , this paper elaborates its roles in physical education teaching and explains how to apply it more effectively .

  28. 研究表明,教师期望是一种巨大的教育力量,它所产生的积极效应在体育教学中同样具有重要意义。

    Research results show that teacher expectancy is a kind of great educational powers , whose active effects can also play an important part in physical education teaching .

  29. 学生所取得英语学业成就越高,他们对自己的英语学习也越自信;(2)感知教师期望与英语学业成就显著正相关。

    The higher score they achieved , the more confident they felt about themselves . ( 2 ) Perceived teacher expectancy is in significant and positive correlation with English achievement .

  30. 教师期望、学业自我概念、学生感知教师支持行为与学业成绩之间的关系研究

    A Research on the Relation among Teachers ' Expectation , Self - conception of Students ' Academic Achievement , Students ' Perception of Teacher 's Behavioral Supporting and the Study Achievement