
pí láo xiào yìng
  • fatigue effect
  1. 非晶硅的光致发光疲劳效应和Staebler-Wronski效应

    The fatigue effect of photoluminescence and staebler-wronski effect of amorphous silicon

  2. 构筑危险状态下疲劳效应辨识模式等问题;

    Fatigue effect identification mode in dangerous .

  3. Al双晶体的晶界疲劳效应

    Effect of grain boundary on fatigue behaviour of Al BICRYSTALS

  4. 心肌多肽抗疲劳效应的实验研究

    Experimental study on anti-fatigue effect and anti-oxidative capability of cardiac polypeptides

  5. 单管塔疲劳效应的时域分析

    Analysis within Time Domain for Fatigue of Single - pipe Tower

  6. 讨论了高计数率下引起增益变化的三种因素:极间电压分配的变化,充电和疲劳效应。

    The factors causing gain variation at high counting rates were discussed .

  7. 沥青混合料的低频疲劳效应研究

    The fatigue response of asphalt concrete at low loading frequency

  8. 目的:探讨怡力康含片对抗运动疲劳效应的机理。

    Objective : To discuss the mechanism of Yilikang lozenge on sports fatigue .

  9. 高温超导永磁体的疲劳效应

    Fatigue behavior in a high-Tc superconducting permanent magnet

  10. 铁电极化疲劳效应的微分电滞回线谱分析

    Differential Hysteresis Loop Analysis for Ferroelectric Polarization Fatigue

  11. 其抗疲劳效应,哺乳动物优于两栖动物。

    The effect of AMJ on delaying fatigue was better in mammalian than in amphibian .

  12. 实验一主要检验文本阅读中的疲劳效应;

    In experiment 1 , the role of fatigue effect in text reading was examined .

  13. 采用被试间实验设计,减少单个被试在实验中的工作量,以控制疲劳效应和练习效应。

    Second , the design of experiment between subjects , reduce a single test in the experiments of workload to control effects of fatigue and practice effect .

  14. 现行抗震设计规范不能反映结构在地震作用下的低周疲劳效应,也不能定量地反映人们对于结构损伤性能的具体要求。

    The current criterion of aseismic design can not reflect the structure 's low-cycle fatigue under the earthquake and quantificationally specific request for the structure damage performance .

  15. 本文评述了这些机制所引起的超声非线性传播特征,高次谐波振幅与固体三阶弹性常数的关系以及超声非线性谐波的测量在固体疲劳效应、微裂缝检测中可能的应用。

    A review of the features of these nonlinearities is given and the relation of the TOE coefficients of solids with the higher order harmonic amplitudes is briefly described .

  16. 由于环境荷载作用、疲劳效应、腐蚀效应和材料老化等灾害因素影响,空间网格结构容易产生损伤累积和抗力衰减,甚至会发生破坏乃至倒塌的灾难性事故。

    Spatial lattice structures are inevitable to suffer from natural disasters , such as environmental loading , fatigue , corrosion , aging and so on . And then the damage accumulates and the resistance attenuates during long service period , and finally the damage or even paroxysmal disasters happened .

  17. 重载铁路长期处在大轴重、长编组列车作用下,疲劳效应显著,加上材料老化环境灾害等多种因素的影响下,当使用年限达到一定程度后,桥梁结构的受力性能将不断退化。

    Overloaded railway , under the action of the big axle load and long grouping train for a long time , fatigue effect significantly , and the influence of many factors such as material aging and environmental disaster , the stress of the bridge structure performance will continue to degradation .

  18. 对比发现材料具有明显的强度和疲劳尺寸效应,随材料的尺寸减小材料的强度得到提高、疲劳寿命延长。

    By contrast , a clear size effect on strength and fatigue was found .

  19. 读书阶段的疲劳累积效应强于笔算过程引发的疲劳;

    The fatigue accumulative effect for reading workload was stronger than that of written calculations .

  20. 实验证明,在工作压力下的疲劳锻练效应将会延长压力容器的使用寿命。

    It is believed that the fatigue exercise effect under working pressure may prolong the working life of the pressure vessel .

  21. 腐蚀疲劳波形效应的裂尖析氢、输氢模型与试验验证

    A model of hydrogen evolution and transport at crack tip for describing the effect of waveform on corrosion fatigue and the experimental verification thereof

  22. 磨损表面形貌观察结果表明:表面纳米化处理能减弱低碳钢的疲劳磨损效应,提高材料的摩擦磨损性能。

    The wear scars shows that the nanocrystalline layer may reduce the effect of fatigue wear and improve the friction and wear properties of low carbon steel .

  23. 本文研究了SCT试样高应变区的疲劳裂纹闭合效应和疲劳裂纹扩展速率。

    The fatigue crack closure and fatigue crack growth rate in the high strain region of SCT specimen are studied .

  24. 分析时,通过复弹性模量引入阻尼损耗因子,Paris方程模拟裂纹扩展,同步分析方法考虑振动与疲劳的耦合效应。

    In this analysis , the damping loss factor is introduced by complex elastic modulus , and the crack growth is analyzed by employing a Paris equation , and the coupling effect of vibration and crack growth is considered by vibration analysis and fatigue crack growth calculation cycle by cycle .

  25. 针刺和艾灸对防治运动性疲劳具有协同效应。

    Acupuncture and moxibustion have cooperated effect .

  26. 超载对疲劳裂纹扩展效应的实验研究

    Laboratory ; The experimental result are given as follows : EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF AN OVERLOAD ON FATIGUE GROWTH

  27. 油锯动静态特性对操作者手臂肌肉疲劳的综合效应(Ⅲ)&振动对掌长肌收缩的影响

    Effects of Chain Saw Dynamic and Static Characteristics on Fatigue of Arm Muscles (ⅲ) Effects of vibration on activity of palmaris longus muscle

  28. 结合材料的循环应力应变特性,对所得试验结果进行分析,探讨了存在疲劳裂纹闭合效应的可能性。

    Such data were analyzed with reference to the cyclic stress-strain characteristic of the material to figure out the crack openning / closure forces .

  29. 简单变幅疲劳裂纹扩展加速效应的SEM直接观察

    Direct Observation on Accelerated Fatigue Crack Growth under Simple Variable Amplitude Loading by SEM

  30. 16Mn钢对焊接头疲劳寿命的超载效应

    An Investigation to Fatigue Life Overloading Effect on the Butt Welds of 16 Mn Steel