
  • 网络developmental age;development age;developmental stage
  1. 实验一主要通过控制年龄和回溯记忆负载两个变量考察学前儿童前瞻记忆的发展年龄阶段,回溯记忆与前瞻记忆的关系问题。

    The Experiment One mainly reviewed the development stage of children prospective memory by controlling the age and retrospective memory task loads ;

  2. 足球战术意识发展的年龄特征

    Research on Age characteristics of Constructing Football Players ' Tactic Consciousness

  3. 身体素质发展的年龄性别特征与体育教学训练

    Characteristics in Age and Sex During Development of Physical Quality Physical Teaching and Training

  4. 幼儿的多元化能力的发展随年龄的增长而呈现上升趋势;

    The diversified development of ability presents an up-trend with the growth of the age ;

  5. 结论乳腺疾病好发于30岁以上妇女,主要为乳腺增生,其发生和发展与年龄、经济收入、职业工种等因素有关。

    The mammal gland diseases are mainly mammary gland hyperplasic and are related with age , income and occupation .

  6. 在总的趋势上,知人智力的发展随年龄的增长而呈上升趋势。

    There is a trend that the growth of Intelligence of cognizing person is ascending with the increasing of age .

  7. 本研究主要涉及了:儿童社会观点采择的发展与年龄、性别的关系;

    The study mainly involved : 1.The relationship between the development of children 's social perspective taking and age and sex .

  8. 依据人才学的基本理论,论析了人才才能发展与年龄的相关性;

    Based on the theory of talent discipline , this paper deals with the correlation of ability development and ages of the talent people .

  9. 通过测查9~12岁维汉儿童数学能力,揭示了维汉儿童数学能力发展的年龄特征及其差异;

    Based on investigation and measure , this article revealed the developing characteristics and discrepancy of children 's mathematical ability between Weis and Hans .

  10. 本部分根据我国的传统文化背景及中学生身心发展的年龄特征,提出了中等学校心理咨询人员应掌握的一些基本的咨询理论。

    It contains some basic consulting theories that should be mastered by psychological consultants according to traditional cultural background and students age character of body-and-mind development in middle schools .

  11. 儿童类比推理发展的年龄效应显著,3岁儿童正确解决问题类比推理的成绩达最高可能成绩的60%,4岁儿童基本具备了问题类比推理的能力,5岁则完全形成了类比能力。

    The score of those subjects who are around 3 years old amounts to 60 percent . 4-year-old children have primarily acquired the ability of analogical reasoning in problem solving .

  12. 文章主要从个人事务自主观念的理论构想,发展的年龄、性别特点,影响因素及其与心理、行为发展关系等几个方面进行了述评。

    The author has introduced the characters of the development of the conceptions of personal domain , as well as its effective factors and the relations between personal autonomy and behaviors .

  13. 本研究主要有以下四点发现:1.学前阶段3岁幼儿已经开始具有语音意识,其语音意识发展随着年龄的增长而提高。

    The results are as follows : 1 . Before studying , the stage 3-year baby already to start to have the pronunciation consciousness . With age , the level of development of phonological awareness raises .

  14. 研究结果如下:1.在校青少年思惟发展的年龄特点是:形式逻辑思惟在初一阶段开始占优势,到高二阶段已趋基本成熟;

    The results are : 1 . The age-characters of thinking development are : Formal logical thinking begins to prevail in the 1st year of junior high and tends to mature by the 2nd year of senior high .

  15. 研究结果表明:(1)小学生利他行为的发展随着年龄的增长而增加,二到四年级这一时期是小学生利他行为发展的急剧变化时期。

    The result of the research show as follow , ( 1 ) the development of pupils ' altruistic behavior grows with the increase of their ages , and Grade 2 to Grade 4 is the rapid period for the changes .

  16. 随着游泳事业的发展,年龄组少年儿童的游泳比赛比较以往不断增多,如何合理安排两个相邻较短时间比赛之间的训练对于年龄组游泳训练也是十分重要的。

    With the development of swimming , swimming competitions in age group children and youngsters are increasing more than before . How to reasonably arrange training between two competitions soon afterwards is of great importance in the age group swimming training .

  17. 自从2001年左右.com泡沫破碎之后,我们对Internet的使用已经成熟起来,推动了一种新沟通媒体的发展,任何年龄、具有任何文化背景的人都可以参与其中。

    Since the dot-com bust around 2001 , our use of Internet technology has matured , resulting in the evolution of a new communications medium in which people of any generation and from any culture can participate .

  18. 中国的省份众多,经济发展与人口年龄结构在各区域间都有明显的差别。

    There exists significant difference on economic development and population age structure among regions .

  19. 目的观察远视、近视离焦对雏鸡屈光状态的影响,了解光学离焦视觉回馈在相当于人类近视发展的关键年龄对屈光状态发育的调控作用。

    Objective To determine if optical defocus alters refractive development in chicks corresponding to the typically developed age of myopia in children .

  20. 加工速度和工作记忆综合起来可以解释大约53%-86%心算能力发展中的年龄差异。

    The total contribution of processing speed and working memory to mental arithmetic in development was about 53 % - 86 % .

  21. 职业意识的总体发展状况随着年龄的增加出现逐步下降的趋势,只是从14岁到15岁有了小幅上升。

    There is a gradual downward trend of the overall development of career awareness with increasing age , but from 14-year-old to 15-year-old has been slightly higher .

  22. 当前,有关儿童提问的规范研究开始引人注目,关于儿童提问的功能、发展规律、年龄特点等都将成为深入研究的课题。

    At present standard study of children 's questioning is drawing people 's attention and its function , developmental law and age features all will become the problems for study .

  23. 在此基础上进行两因素方差分析(年龄×视觉状况),以检验儿童的辨音能力的发展中,年龄和视觉状况所起的作用。

    Results were used two-factor ANOVA analysis ( age eye condition ) to examine effects of age and eye condition on the developing progress of children 's sound discrimination ability .

  24. 作为一种可诊断的人格失调,自恋在男性中比在女性中更为高发,通常是在青少年和成年初期开始发展,随着年龄增长走向极端。

    As a diagnosable personality disorder , narcissism occurs more often in males than females , often developing in the teenage years or early adulthood and becoming more extreme with age .

  25. 儿童的自我、纪律、个性性格、道德品质等社会性发展都随着年龄的增长而发展,在不同的年龄阶段表现出不同的发展特点和规律。

    The social development of the children 's self discipline individuality disposition moral character developments along with the age growth and represent the different characteristic and the rule in the different age stages .

  26. 受幼儿身心发展水平、年龄特点、认知水平、防范意识及生活知识经验等方面的影响,幼儿园突发事件防不胜防。

    Affected by the childhood level of physical and mental development , age characteristics , cognitive level , awareness and knowledge of life experience , kindergarten emergency is inevitable and impossible to defend effectively .

  27. 随着人口老龄化的日益发展,有关年龄在AS发生发展机制中作用的研究逐渐引起重视,并成为防治AS的新靶点。

    Along with the developing of population ageing , more and more attention has been gradually paid on studying the role of age in the occurrence and pathogenesis of AS , which has become a new target in prevention and treatment of AS .

  28. 澳门老年人体质发展的性别和年龄特征分析

    Character analyze of Macao elderly fitness development on different gender and years

  29. 幼儿羞耻感理解力的发展存在显著的年龄差异。

    A significant age difference exists in development of understanding of shame .

  30. 对听力障碍儿童适应行为的发展要注重其年龄的影响,及早进行干预。

    Early intervention can help the development of adaptive behavior in hearing impaired children .