
  • 网络midlife crisis;Mid-Life Crisis;middle age crisis;mid age crisis
  1. 四五年前,在我40岁的时候,我经历了中年危机。

    I went through my midlife crisis about four or five years ago , when I was forty .

  2. “中年危机”这个短语几近完美地诠释了它自身。

    The phrase almost completes itself : midlife crisis .

  3. 他正经历中年危机。

    He 's having a mid-life crisis .

  4. 芭芭拉·哈格蒂在她的新书《重新构想生活》中写道:¨事实上,除了几十年前进行的几个小的实验性研究外,几乎没有确凿的证据证明中年危机的存在”。

    " In fact , there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago , " Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book , Life Reimagined .

  5. 47岁的人,中年危机看起来并不光鲜。

    Dear 47-year-old , a mid-life crisis does not look good on you .

  6. 西雅图&微软(Microsoft)正努力摆脱中年危机。

    SEATTLE & Microsoft is trying to shake the effects of middle age .

  7. 西雅图——微软(Microsoft)正努力摆脱中年危机。

    SEATTLE - Microsoft is trying to shake the effects of middle age .

  8. 这位微软(Microsoft)研究员自己承认,当时他已经在经历某种中年危机。

    The Microsoft researcher was , by his own admission , already going through something of a midlife crisis .

  9. 乔布斯1985年夏天在中年危机中度过,但在他离开苹果的日子里,他联合创立了电脑公司NeXT,它后来被苹果收购,并成立皮克斯动画工作室。

    Jobs spent the summer of 1985 in a midlife crisis , but during his time away from Apple , Jobs co-founded computer company NeXT , which was later acquired by Apple , and launched Pixar Animation Studios .

  10. 我要趁这个机会谢谢UNT,提供好的产品给正在经历中年危机的妇女。

    Let me take this opportunity to thank your products for helping woman experiencing middle age crisis .

  11. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,如今中年危机开始得更早了。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days .

  12. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,“如今中年危机开始得更早了”。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the " midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days . "

  13. 也许中年危机的传说是真的就在男人刚过了人生中重要的生日之前,他们更可能欺骗自己的妻子,AshleyMadison外遇网上出人意料的有大批49岁的人注册为用户。

    Perhaps the myth of the midlife crisis is true - men are more likely to cheat on their partners just before they approach a significant birthday , with 49 year-olds signing up to extra-marital affair website Ashley Madison in unexpectedly large numbers .

  14. 也许中年危机的“传说”是真的——就在男人刚过了人生中重要的生日之前,他们更可能欺骗自己的妻子,AshleyMadison外遇网上出人意料的有大批49岁的人注册为用户。

    Perhaps the myth of the midlife crisis is true - men are more likely to cheat on their partners just before they approach a significant birthday , with 49 year-olds signing up to extra-marital affair website Ashley Madison in unexpectedly large numbers 。

  15. 也许你父亲正遭遇着某种中年危机。

    Perhaps your father is having some sort of mid-life crisis .

  16. 她认为这是一种“中年危机”。

    A " midlife crisis " is how she views it .

  17. 即使是文学巨擘也无可避免的会感染上中年危机症。

    Even literary giants are not immune to the midlife crisis .

  18. 抑郁症可能难以根除,但中年危机往往只发作一次。

    Depression can be chronic but midlife crises are often one-offs .

  19. 30岁时,他经历了某种中年危机。

    At 30 he had a sort of midlife crisis .

  20. 那么,让我们来看看下面的三位女性是如何面对中年危机的。

    Let 's see how the following three women face midlife crisis .

  21. 我觉得他在经历中年危机。

    I think he is going through a mid-life crisis .

  22. 这表明了中年危机确有其事。

    This would indicate that the midlife crisis is real 。

  23. 它比中年危机要糟糕两倍。

    It 's twice as bad as a midlife crisis .

  24. “中年危机”的概念存在争议。

    The notion of a midlife crisis , is contentious .

  25. 上个千年之后的中年危机不在于能否买一辆红色的敞篷车。

    The post-millennial midlife crisis isn 't buying a red sports car .

  26. 我感觉像是在南希朱儿的中年危机之迷里。

    I feel like Nancy Drew in the mystery of the mid-life crisis .

  27. 你大概是遭遇中年危机了。

    You 're probably just having a midlife crisis .

  28. 我感觉像是在南希?朱儿的中年危机之迷里

    I feel like Nancy Drew in The Mystery of the Midlife Crisis .

  29. 软件巨头微软正在中年危机中挣扎

    The software giant is grappling with a mid-life crisis

  30. 中年危机可能有不同的表现形式。

    Mid-life crises can manifest themselves in different ways .