
  1. 中学数学研究性学习课例一则

    A Sample Lesson of Research Study of Maths to High School

  2. 用《数学分析》的思想方法指导师专生进行中学数学研究

    Guide The Students Of Teachers ' College Making Middle School 's Mathematics Studying By Thought And Method Of Mathematics Analysis

  3. 高师数学系《中学数学研究》课程教材教法探析

    " Mathematics Research in High School " course of the department of mathematics in normal university : teaching material and teaching methods

  4. 而本研究的特别意义则在于基于数学史的中学数学研究性学习和其他内容形式的数学研究性学习相比具有以下特点:(1)兴趣性。

    And the significance of this research is the characteristics of investigative study of mathematics comparing with others : ( 1 ) Interesting .

  5. 第二,从中学数学研究性学习的内涵,开展数学研究性学习的意义、目标,以及选择中学数学研究性学习课题的原则和策略等方面进行了研究;

    Secondly , the author has conducted a series of research on the connotation of the research study of middle school mathematics , the significance and objectives of carrying out such practices and the principles and strategies in choosing a specific research study topic for middle school mathematics ;

  6. 应用多媒体CAI优化中学数学教学研究

    Research on Multimedia CAI in Optimizing Middle School Mathematical Teaching

  7. 那么怎样处理微积分这部分内容的教学呢?这是值得中学数学教师研究的一个有意义的现实问题。

    So how to deal with the calculus contents in teaching ?

  8. 高等代数观点下的中学数学问题研究

    A Perspective from Advanced Algebra on Secondary School Mathematics Teaching Issues

  9. 《中学数学解题研究》是我院数学系新开设的一门专业基础课。

    " Problem-Solving Research in School Mathematics " is a new specialized basic course in the Department of Mathematics .

  10. 基于Web的中学数学作业改革研究

    Research on the Reform of Middle School Mathematics Homework Based on Web

  11. 中学数学建模教学研究

    The Research of Mathematical Modeling Teaching in the Middle School

  12. 高等几何教学及其对中学数学作用的研究

    Analyze the Teaching of Higher Geometry and its Instructing Function on Secondry School Mathematics

  13. 中学数学解题方法研究

    On the solution of mathematical questions

  14. 建构主义观点下的中学数学建模教学研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of Mathematical Modeling Teaching in Middle School & Based on the Constructivism

  15. 现代交流观点下的中学数学教学模式研究

    A Study on the Mode of Mathematics Teaching in Middle Schools from Modern " Communicative " Perspective

  16. 目前娱教的研究领域主要是娱教技术、教育游戏等,本论文针对目前的研究空白,提出了基于娱教理念的信息技术与中学数学课程整合研究这一新命题。

    Current areas of edutainment research are mainly edutainment technology , educational games and so on , and this thesis put forward a new proposition that is integration between Information Technology based on the concept of edutainment and Middle School Mathematics Curriculum .

  17. 中学数学应用题教学研究

    The Research on Mathematical Appliance Problem in Middle Schools

  18. 浅议中学数学的高观点研究

    The study on the elementary maths with high views

  19. 中学数学心理素质教育研究

    A Study on Psychology of Mathematics in Middle School

  20. 中学数学过程教学的研究

    Middle School Mathematics Knowledge Occurrence Process Teaching

  21. 中学数学能力性别差异研究述评

    A Survey of the Study of the Middle School Students ' Sexuality Differences in Mathematics Ability

  22. 本文致力于现代数学思想与中学数学教学的关系研究。

    This paper provides an approach to the relationship between modern mathematical thought the teaching of mathematics in high schools .

  23. 最后,针对以上的研究过程,在第五章给出了一个具体的案例以验证中学数学现代教学手段研究的必要性。

    Finally , the fifth chapter verifies the necessity of the modern means of teaching mathematics in middle schools based on the above process of research .

  24. 关于数学史学习的研究如雨后春笋,发表的研究文章极为丰富,特别是中学数学史教学的研究文章也有很多。

    About history of mathematics study research like mushroom growth , publication research article extremely rich , specially the middle school history of mathematics teaching research article also has .

  25. 福清第三中学的实践已经证明,开展高观点下的中学数学研究,可以提升中学数学教师的专业素养和业务能力。

    The practice of Fuqing No Three School has demonstrated that the professional qualities and business abilities can be enhanced by way of carrying out middle school mathematics research from " high viewpoints " .

  26. 本文旨在尝试为中学数学教育中数学思想方法的探究和渗透提供一些实践经验,希望对我国中学数学教育研究有一定的现实意义。

    In this article I try to provide some true experience and experiments in the research of mathematics thinking method in middle school , and I hope it could do some benefit to the research of middle school education .

  27. 数学思维能力的培养是中学数学教学的核心,探求中学数学课程的发展过程,对中学数学教学实践进行反思与改进是中学数学教与学研究的出发点。

    Mathematics thought the educating of ability is the core of the mathematics teaching , and investigate the development process of the mathematics course with the point of departure that the mathematics teaching practice to proceed the anti to think is mathematics to teach and learn with the improvement research .