
  1. 通过以上论述,试图对区域经济史研究所作出些许贡献。

    Through the discussion above , trying to make some contribution to regional economic history .

  2. 第一章是对区域经济差异研究的理论和实践进行评述,对前人在区域经济差异研究中所做的工作进行系统的总结。

    Chapter one comments the theory and the practice of region economy difference research , and summarizes the work of forefathers on region economy difference research .

  3. 建立与实证研究相结合的区域经济发展阶段的综合比较和评价方法体系是我国区域经济和经济统计研究所面临的一项基础性任务。

    So it is essential for china scholars who study the regional economy and economy statistics of china to compare and evaluate regions by means of index system of economic development stages .