
  1. 高校美术教育专业数字艺术课程研究

    Digital Art on Curriculum Study of College of Fine Arts Education

  2. 高等美术教育专业双语教学模式探索

    The Research of Bilingual Teaching Pattern in The Higher Arts Education

  3. 美术教育专业基础素描教学研究&静物·石膏像写生

    On the teaching of basic sketches in the arts education specialty

  4. 刍议高师美术教育专业教学的改革

    The Reform of Art Teachers Training Program in Art College

  5. 高师美术教育专业教育观念与教学内容的选择

    The Educational Concept of Arts Education and the Selection of the Teaching Content

  6. 大美术教育专业课程设置构想

    An idea for the General Curriculum of Art Education

  7. 美术教育专业学生教学实践谈

    A Discourse of the Teaching Practice for the Students of Art education Majors

  8. 高校美术教育专业应加强师范性职业培训

    Enhance Vocational Teacher-training in Higher Education of Fine Arts

  9. 谈高等师范美术教育专业的培养目标

    The Goal of Art Education Program in Normal Colleges

  10. 师范美术教育专业教改思路

    The Ideas for Educational Reform in the Pedagogical Speciality of Artistic Education ART OBSERVATION

  11. 高校美术教育专业与专业美术教育的联系与区别

    The Connection and Differences between Art Education and Specialized Art Education in Colleges and Universities

  12. 高师美术教育专业增设《美术课程标准》共修课构想

    Conception on Art Curriculum Standard as a Course Offered to Art Education Majors in Teachers University

  13. 当前美术教育专业的课程设置与教学

    Brief Anlysis of the Current Curriculum Setup and Teaching of the Major of Fine Arts Education

  14. 能实现师范性的高师美术教育专业的课程设置应体现在专业技法课、专业理论课以及教育类课程等诸方面。

    We should set up courses of speciality technology , speciality theory and pedagogy etc to achieve this goal .

  15. 实现高师美术教育专业培养目标的重要环节之一是课程体系的合理建构。

    The reasonable planning of curriculum system is one of the important links in achieving objectives of art education in normal colleges .

  16. 眼、脑、手的综合训练,是解决高师美术教育专业学生造型能力的根本途径。

    The comprehensive to the eyes , brain and hands is the fundamental way to improve the students ability of the plastic arts in teachers college .

  17. 结合当今高校美术教育专业的现状,针对如何优化高师院校美术教材教法课提出强化敬业精神,提高综合素质和培养创新意识,改进教学方法等建议。

    Based on the current trend of times , this paper will propose some suggestions mainly focus on the ways to optimize the Normal College art textbooks teaching methods course .

  18. 针对这一状况,师范美术教育专业需要改变教学观念,调整课程设置,培养出高素质的学者型美术教师。

    In view of this situation , the pedagogical speciality of artistic education demands to change the teaching concepts , regulate the courses offered and cultivate artistic teachers of higher quality and scholar type .

  19. 在当前的教育环境下,培养真正符合时代发展和社会进步需要的教育人才,仍是师范院校美术教育专业肩负的重任。

    Under the present educational circumstances , it is still the task for these colleges and schools concerned to foster educational talents who are really keeping with the development of times and the social progress .

  20. 这些院校原有的美术教育专业改为美术学后,从办学定位来看还存在一些问题:它既不是真正意义上的美术学,也不是纯粹意义上的师范美术教育;

    Today the art education profession of these institutions changes to professional art education , from the current orientation of education it exists a few problems : First , it does not pure fine arts subject or normal art education .

  21. 师专美术教育专业要与时俱进,开拓创新,加强思想政治教育工作的主导作用,努力培养创新人才。

    This paper states the art education major in teachers college should keep pace with the times , come up with new ideas in respect of theory , strengthen the leading role of ideological and political education and endeavour to train the innovative talents .

  22. 高师美术教育国画专业素描教学的思考

    An Analysis of Charcoal Drawing Teaching for Students Majoring in Traditional Chinese Painting in Fine Arts Education in Normal Universities

  23. “师范性”不是也不能成为高等师范美术教育的专业或专业特点。

    The normal essence is not the characteristic of advanced normal art education , and it can 't be considered to be such .

  24. 从师范美术教育的专业教育观念入手,分析了制约高等师范美术教育进一步发展的因素,并提出了改革对策及发展模式。

    This paper analyzes the factors that hinder the all-round development of art education of high-school teachers from the perspective of professional concept of art education ; it further puts forward the countermeasures to reform the present conditions and developmental modes .

  25. 新式美术教育:作为专业性院校的兴起

    New Fine Art Education : Rising as Professional Institute

  26. 2007年有幸继续深造,考入湖北美术学院,攻读美术教育专业硕士研究生。

    In 2007 , was to continue studying , hubei academy of fine arts education professional postgraduate study .

  27. 加之高等师范美术教育在普通美术教育和专业美术教育的链接点的特殊位置上,因此,对其教师职业心理问题的研究,有其特殊的意义。

    In addition , Normal College art education is the link of ordinary art education and professional art education . So the analysis of the teachers ' profession psychology is of special significance .

  28. 美术教育学是高师美术教育专业主体课程之一,以培养学生教学能力为主要目标。

    Fine arts pedagogy is one of the key subjects in the specialty of Higher Fine Arts Teacher Education , which aims to develop students ' teaching ability .

  29. 突出师范美术教育特点,构建适合儿童美术教育理念的专业建设,培养儿童美术教育职业化的教育者。

    Subject constructions which suit children art teaching concepts should be built and professional children art teachers should be trained .

  30. 文章结合作者参加省教育厅举办的基础教育新课程美术学科培训者省级培训班学习后的体会,分析了高师美术教育专业在教学观念上如何适应中学美术学科基础教育新课程的改革。

    The article talks about the author 's understanding after attending the provincial education new course conducted by the provincial Education Department and briefly analyzes how higher education in normal art suits new course reform in middle school art in teaching idea in Fujian province .