
  • 网络American modernism
  1. 美国现代主义评介

    A Survey of American Modernism

  2. 艾米莉的生活经历、社交圈子以及居住环境决定了她的创作风格,她的诗被认为是美国现代主义诗歌的前奏曲。

    Her life experience , social circle and residential environments decided her writing style . Emily ' poems were accepted as a prelude to American modernism .

  3. 意象派和东方诗学的创立充分体现了庞德的现代性,并对美国现代主义诗歌有着深远的影响。

    Pound 's initiatives on imagist and Oriental poetics show us the modernity in his poems .

  4. 狄金森与惠特曼一起,并称为美国现代主义诗歌的先驱。

    Along with Walt Witman , Dickinson is regarded as the precursor of American modernistic poetry .

  5. 美国现代主义景观设计思潮

    Modern Landscape Architecture in America

  6. 美国现代主义文学的产生和繁荣有着深刻的经济、政治和社会文化根源。

    The American Modernist literature was strongly rooted in its economical , political , social and cultural background .

  7. 本文依据文体学和心理语言学理论,特别是变异理论和言语理解理论,结合当时的历史背景和文学背景,对美国现代主义诗人爱德华。

    Based on stylistic and psycholinguistic theory , especially the deviation and language comprehension theory , this thesis explored the reason why E.

  8. 埃兹拉.庞德是20世纪美国现代主义诗歌革新运动的创始人和前期领袖。

    Content : Ezra Pound ( 1885-1972 ) was the founder and early leader of modern American poetic innovation in early 20th century .

  9. 埃兹拉·庞德是美国现代主义诗歌革新运动的创始人。1915年4月,他出版的《华夏集》引起了文学界的轰动。

    Ezra Pound , the founder of Imagism , published his Cathay in April 1915 , which caused quite a stir among literary critics .

  10. 沿着这两条主线,论文试图挖掘美国现代主义艺术在哲学基础上如何获得认同,最终致使抽象表现主义的诞生,引导视觉走向观念。

    Following two main traits to dig how American modern art get acknowledge in the basic of philosophy eventually born abstract expressionism and steering visual to the conceptions .

  11. 而安德森则是典型的现代主义文学作家,现实主义因素少于现代主义因素,是美国现代主义文学尤其是美国心理分析和意识流小说的先驱。

    But Anderson is a pure and typical modernist writer with little realist factors . He is the forerunner of American modernist literature especially of the psychoanalysis and stream of consciousness literature .

  12. 公平的自由&美国现代自由主义之浮现

    Fair Freedom & The Rise of the American Modem Liberalism

  13. 唐纳德.巴塞尔姆是一位重要的美国后现代主义作家。

    Donald Barthelme is an important post modernistic writer .

  14. 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆因其作品的实验性奠定了美国后现代主义先锋作家的地位。

    Donald Barthelme established himself as an avantgarde of American postmodernist writers with his experimental works .

  15. 美国后现代主义重要作家约翰·巴思的第四部小说《羊童贾尔斯》是一部典型的后现代主义作品。

    Giles Goat-Boy is a typical postmodernist fiction of the important American postmodernist writer , John Barth .

  16. 美国后现代主义实验小说家保罗·奥斯特(1947年&)是美国当代优秀的小说家。

    A America postmodern experimental novelist Paul Auster ( 1947 - ) is an outstanding novelist America contemporary .

  17. “垮掉的一代”是20世纪50年代流行于美国的现代主义文学思潮。

    During the 1950s , the beaten Generation Literature was one of the most popular realistic literature in America .

  18. 在他所有的作品中,小说《白雪公主》是其代表作,同时也是美国后现代主义的经典作品。

    Among all his writings , the novel Snow White is his masterpiece and has been considered the classic of American postmodernism .

  19. 唐·德里罗是美国后现代主义作家的代表之一。德里罗的第八部小说《白噪音》一经问世,便为他赢得了公众的广泛关注。

    Being one of the representatives of the postmodern American writers , Don Delillo gained public attention immediately after publishing his eighth novel White Noise .

  20. 小说《白噪音》是美国后现代主义作家唐·德里罗的第八部小说,并于1985年赢得国家图书奖,获得国内外众多学者的极高赞誉。

    Don DeLillo , as a postmodern writer , published his eighth novel , White Noise . It won the National Book Award in 1985 and received high praise from scholars at home and abroad .

  21. 不确定性是后现代主义的重要特征之一,美国后现代主义理论家伊哈布·哈桑认为,不确定性构成了我们的世界,相当数量的后现代主义小说也成为不确定性的狂欢。

    Ihab Hassan , a renowned postmodernism theorist of the United States , holds the view that uncertainty constitutes our world , which has been the major artistic feature of a fair amount of post-modernism novels .

  22. 通过从后现代主义的观点分析威廉斯的诗作,我们可以发现他的诗歌具备了某些后现代主义的特征,从而确认他是一位美国后现代主义诗歌先驱。

    A textual analysis of Williams 's poetry from a postmodern perspective will result not only in our awareness of his postmodern features but also in our recognition that he is a pioneer of postmodern American poetry .

  23. 《喧哗与骚动》是美国杰出的现代主义作家福克纳的代表作,书中象征手法的使用绝妙无比,令人称奇。

    The Sound and the Fury , the masterpiece of the eminent modernist writer William Faulkner , is noted for its superb use of symbols .

  24. 20世纪上半叶,西方包括美国在内的现代主义作家偏爱使用神话方式,也就是重述早先具有神话意义的故事。

    In the first half of the twentieth century the Western modernist writers including the American writers preferred mythical mode in their writings , that is , retelling earlier works with mythical sense .

  25. 他们几乎同时在各自的国家开创了新的文学时代,对后世产生深远影响:安德森在美国开创了现代主义文学时代,而鲁迅则开创了中国现代文学的新时代。

    They start a new literary era in their respective countries almost simultaneously , and exert profound influence toward the following generations : Anderson , the modernism era in America ; Lu Xun , modern Chinese literature .

  26. 二十世纪五十年代,美国社会开始从现代主义向后现代主义过渡。

    In 1950s , modernism began to develop in to postmodernism in USA.

  27. 小议美国动画电影后现代主义美学转向

    On the Post - modernistic Change in American Cartoon Movies

  28. 库尔特·冯内古特(1922-2007)是二十世纪美国著名的后现代主义作家之一。

    Kurt Vonnegut is one of the most famous postmodern novelists in American twenties century .

  29. 詹姆逊是美国重要的后现代主义理论家、文化批评家,他建构了一个系统而庞杂的理论体系。

    Jameson is an important theorist of postmodernism , cultural critic of American , he constructed a vast and complex system theories .

  30. 查尔斯·奥尔森是美国著名的后现代主义诗人,也是二十世纪活跃于西方文坛的黑山派诗歌的领军人物。

    Charles Olson is a famous postmodern poet in America , and also the leader of Black Mountain School which behaves active in the twentieth century .