
měi yù
  • fine jade
  1. 我觉得那个新雇员是一块未经雕琢的美玉。

    I think the new employer is a rough diamond .

  2. 美玉:你在两堂课中间怎麽打发时间的?

    Mei-yu : How do you kill time between classes ?

  3. 美玉:哇塞,真是个意外!她是谁?

    Mei-yu : wow , what a surprise ! Who is she ?

  4. 美玉:你们跟别系的篮球赛比的结果如何?

    Mei-yu : How did the basketball game with the other department go ?

  5. 美玉:今天交出去嘛。迟交总比不交好。

    Mei-yu : Turn it in today then . Better late than never .

  6. 美玉:我听说阿堂上礼拜出了个车祸。

    Mei-yu : I heard that A-ton had a car accident last week .

  7. 拂其釉面平滑细腻,如同美玉。

    Brushed its glaze smooth exquisite , like jewels .

  8. “璧”为贵重礼器,也是美玉的通称。

    " Bi " is the valuable ritual vessels and another name for jade .

  9. 尽管存在这些失败,但在那些复杂度与缺陷的相互关系的研究中仍然有一些美玉。

    Despite these failures , there were some gems in those complexity-to-defect correlation studies .

  10. 美玉:你要出门吗?在下倾盆大雨呢。

    Mei-yu : Are you going out ? It 's raining cats and dogs .

  11. 您们好,我的名字是美玉。

    Hello , my name is Seraphina .

  12. 如果斯通美玉他的控球能力,他简直没有任何用处。

    If is wasn 't for his ball handling ability , he would be worthless .

  13. 美玉:噢,少抱怨!你只要帮我提这些袋子就好!

    Mei-yu : Oh , quit complaining ! Just give me a hand with these bags !

  14. 美玉:那就太棒了!我们就不会有打斗或战争了。

    Mei-yu : that would be great ! Then we wouldn 't have any fights or wars .

  15. 美玉:可是那是个意外而我也道过歉了!难道你不能原谅我、这件事情忘记吗?

    Mei-yu : but it was an accident and I already apologized ! Can 't you forgive and forget ?

  16. 美玉:你已经这麽讲了几个礼拜了。不要这麽胆小。约她出去啊!

    Mei-yu : You 've been saying that for weeks . Don 't be chicken . Ask her out !

  17. 面如美玉,目似明星,真好秀丽人物。

    With his face fair as jade , his eyes bright as stars , he was truly a handsome figure .

  18. 美玉:你昨天跟我说今天铁定会下雨。看外边的大太阳!

    Mei-yu : You told me yesterday it would rain for sure today . Look at the bright sun outside !

  19. 美玉:你不应这麽晚起床。「起的鸟儿有虫吃」记得吗?

    Mei-yu : you shouldn 't get up so late . " the early bird gets the worm ," remember ?

  20. 当岁月走过,留下的是木之神灵,也是人间的一块美玉。

    As time goes by , the knife shapes the spirit of the wood , and leaves a piece of artwork .

  21. 美玉:我前两天才给过你钱!你应该要学习如何量入为出。

    Mei-yu : I just gave you some two days ago ! You need to learn how to make ends meet .

  22. 人们以玉比德,强化了玉德的精神内涵,形成一种崇尚美玉的传统。

    Jade Bede people to strengthen the spiritual content of jade Germany , the formation of a respect for the tradition of jade .

  23. 美玉:你确定吗??也许你是领会过头了!你确定吗?要读取你所选择的游戏吗?

    Mei-yu : Are you sure ? Maybe you 're reading too much between the lines ! Are you sure you want to load the selected game ?

  24. 一块莹洁无暇的美玉,和一块粗糙朴实的土砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把它们所代表的内容划一个等号呢?

    Likewise , a flawless jade or a coarse brick stays silent if not touched , but who can draw an equal sign between what they stand for ?

  25. 当其他人跑进去分开两个互相抓头发打架的人时,美玉说贤雅对她视若无睹,哭着跑开了。

    As others go inside and separate the two who were grabbing each other 's hair and fighting , MiOk says that HyunAh neglected her and runs out crying .

  26. 当然,即使是美玉也难免有瑕疵,赢得全球赞誉的宫崎骏动画也有其局限之处。

    Certainly , it 's hard to avoid flaw even for jade , and Hayao Miyazaki 's animations that gained recognitions all over the world also have their localization .

  27. 请注意,这块变成美玉的石头是噙在贾宝玉的嘴里,小婴儿的嘴里来到人世的,它能有多大?

    Please note , this becomes the jade stone is held in Jia Baoyu 's mouth , the baby 's mouth to the world , it can have how old ?

  28. 美玉:嘿,试著设身处地为他著想!如果你在下课以后需要工作的话,你也不会有时间跟大家混。

    Mei-yu : Hey , try to put yourself in his shoes ! If you have to work after school , you won 't have time to hang out either .

  29. 一块莹洁无暇的美玉,和一块粗糙的土砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把它们所代表的内容划一个等号呢?

    A flawless jade ornament , or a coarse , gross brick will always remain silent if it is left untouched , but who can draw an equal sign between them ?

  30. 王女阿,你的脚在鞋中何其美好。你的大腿圆润,好像美玉,是巧匠的手做成的。

    How beautiful ar thy feet with shoes , O prince 's daughter ! thejoints of thy thighs are like jewels , the work of the hands of a cunning workman .