
  • 网络balance and unbalance;equilibrium and disequilibrium
  1. 全面建设小康社会,必须实现发展观的转变,树立全球发展观、竞争发展观、全面发展观、可持续发展观、创新发展观和平衡与不平衡相结合之发展观。

    In order to build the comfortable society , we should change our outlook of development , and set up following outlook of development , namely global development , competition development , comprehensive development , sustainable development , creative development and the development of the unity of balance and unbalance .

  2. 论文明发展平衡与不平衡的统一

    The advance of civilization : balance , unbalance , and unity

  3. 由于角度不同,人们对平衡与不平衡的看法也会有所不同。

    As from different perspectives , people have different views on balance and imbalance .

  4. 首先建立了基于最优潮流的平衡与不平衡两种形式的点对点输电权,其次构造了点对点输电权拍卖的数学模型。

    The point-to-point transmission rights including balanced type and unbalanced type are established , and then auction model is constructed .

  5. 平衡与不平衡是辨证的统一,科学发展观是综合平衡论的集中体现和发展;

    Balance and imbalance is a dialectical unity , the overall balance of scientific development concept is the concentrated expression and development ;

  6. 最后,给出了平衡与不平衡负载条件下的电压电流动静态波形。

    In the end of this paper , the dynamic and static waveforms of voltage and current with balanced and unbalanced load are provided .

  7. 方法:建立种植全口固定义齿和种植全口覆盖义齿的三维有限元模型,然后进行侧方咬合平衡与不平衡、前伸咬合平衡与不平衡模拟加载分析。

    METHODS : A 3-D finite element model of mandibular complete dentures supported by implants was established to analyze the stress status with protrusive or lateral occlusions .

  8. 区域经济发展问题历来受到学术界的关注,关于经济平衡与不平衡的研究是区域经济发展研究中不可或缺的课题。

    The regional economic development has been paid attention on by academia , Research about economic balance and imbalance is indispensable in the study of regional economic development .

  9. 平衡与不平衡相对,二者相互转化、反相成。从平衡解离温度可知不同类型的氢键的相对稳定性不同。

    Balance is opposed to imbalance ; the two change into each other , oppose yet complement each other . prom the equilibrium dissociation temperatures it is known that the relative stabilities of the different type hydrogen bonds are not alike .

  10. 提出了一种新的采用平衡电桥与不平衡电桥相结合的直流检测方法。

    A new DC detection technique based on balanced bridge and unbalanced bridge is proposed .

  11. 应用计算机,从设置静不平衡与偶不平衡、数据的采集到数据处理,实现精密离心机气体静压轴承刚度在线自动测试。

    The online automatic measurement of aerostatic bearing rigidity can be realized by a computer , from setting up static imbalance and couple imbalance to data acquisition and processing .

  12. 探讨了区域与区域经济、平衡增长与不平衡增长等基本概念以及区域经济发展的增长极模式、梯度推移模式和反梯度推移模式等区域经济发展模式理论;

    The basic concepts , such as region and regional economy , balance growth and non-balance growth , are explored ; regional economy development mode theory such as growth pole mode , grads development mode and anti-grads development mode are also explored .

  13. 对单级与双级抽气开平衡通道与不开平衡通道的真空泵的真空度进行了对比分析。

    Comparison of vacuum is made between the single and double suction vacuum pump , between the unit with balance passage and that without balance passage .

  14. 应用哲学大平衡强调:平衡与不平衡同等重要。

    The Applied Philosophical Balance Theory emphasizes that balance and imbalance are of the same importance .

  15. 全球实体经济的不平衡与货币体系的不平衡会形成一个恶性循环,任何一个发展中国家都很难打破这个循环。

    The global monetary system imbalance and the real economy imbalance would form a vicious cycle , and any one of the developing countries is very difficult to break the cycle .

  16. 最后结合三个典型的案例分析了情绪智力技能发展的三种模式即平衡高型、平衡低型与不平衡型。

    The development of skills is unique to individuals , so we analyzed three development model with three typical cases . The three models were balanced and high , balanced and low , unbalanced .

  17. 失衡失去平衡的状态所以,世间万物无不处在动态的平衡与不平衡之中。

    And therefore , all the things in the world are without exception in dynamic movement between balance and imbalance .