
  • 网络University of Chester;University of Rochester;Chester University
  1. 英国广播公司BBC和切斯特大学做了一个简单的小实验。

    The BBC and the University of Chester in the UK conducted a simple experiment with a small group of 10 volunteers who usually spent most of the day sitting .

  2. 我将于秋季进入滨州法尼亚州的韦斯特切斯特大学学习中等教育。

    I will be attending Westchester University of Pennsylvania in the fall to study Middle Grades Education .

  3. 比尔·克劳德是曼切斯特大学航空航天工程学的讲师,他过去3年一直利用电脑模拟操作技术研究有关足球自由球的物理现象。

    Bill Crowther , an aerospace engineering lecturer at the University of Manchester , has been studying the science behind football free-kicks for the last three years with computer simulations .

  4. 铃木省吾博士,曼切斯特大学研究中日关系的专家称尽管日本会受到来自北京方面的压力指责,他仍将成为外交上的胜利者。

    Dr Shogo Suzuki , an expert on Sino-Japanese relations at the University of Manchester , said Japan could emerge the diplomatic victor , despite accusations it had caved in to pressure from Beijing .

  5. 来自英国曼切斯特大学的心理学家杰弗里蒂研究了56份关于男性与女性日常表达与交流的报告后,发现大多数的男性每天所说的话要比女性们的多。

    Psychologist Geoffrey Beattie , from Manchester University , reviewed 56 studies into male and female communication and discovered that 24 concluded men used more words per day while only two pointed to women being the more talkative sex .

  6. 牛津和剑桥两座学府高居榜首,花费的钱几乎是曼切斯特和兰卡斯特大学的两倍之多。

    Oxford and Cambridge take the top spots , spending more than double the amount of Manchester and Lancaster .

  7. 虽然在此期间,另一知名远程mba品牌、开放大学商学院(openuniversitybusinessschool)的学生数量降幅更大,但英国曼切斯特和利物浦等大学则实现了迅猛增长。

    Though the Open University Business School , the other established distance-learning MBA brand , has seen an even greater decline in numbers over that period , universities such as Manchester and Liverpool in the UK are growing fast .