
  • 网络Distance education;distant education
  1. 有些远距离教育课程将使用整和的传输模式。

    Many distance education courses use a combination of delivery modes .

  2. 远距离教育:国际终身教育的第一选择

    Distance Education : the Worlds First Choice for Lifelong Learning

  3. 基于Internet远距离教育突破了传统远距离教育中教学诊断和反馈的瓶颈问题,具有广泛的发展空间。

    The long-distance education based on the Internet can resolve the problems which are existing in the teaching diagnosis and teaching feedback of the traditional education . It is greatly potential .

  4. 基于计算机网络的远距离教育优缺点分析

    Analysis of Merits and Demerits About Distance Education Based on Computer Network

  5. 远距离教育交往理论具有核心地位与作用。

    Interactive theory has the key position and function in distance education .

  6. 远距离教育交往理论在远程教育教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Long-distance interactive theories run great function in distance education .

  7. 远程实验系统的研究是我国现代远距离教育的一项重要内容。

    It is an important matter to research on remote experiment system .

  8. 构筑人才资源高地与发展现代远距离教育

    Construction of Talented Personnel Resources Highland and the Development of Modern Distance Education

  9. 电脑媒体通讯时代的远距离教育

    Distance Education in the Age of Computer Mediated Communication

  10. 亚太地区远距离教育的当前趋势与展望

    Current Trends and Prospect on Distance Education in Asia and the Pacific Region

  11. 数字化学习环境:开放远距离教育新的可能与机遇

    New Possibilities and Opportunities of the Digital Learning Environments for Open and Distance Education

  12. 联合国大学国际远距离教育中心

    United Nations University International Centre for Distance Learning

  13. 在远距离教育中,教师与学生的分离差不多就是所有问题的核心。

    In distance education , the separation between teacher and student is the core .

  14. 远距离教育研究存在的问题及突破

    Problems and Breakthroughs in Distance Education Research

  15. 远距离教育的东西方对比

    Long distance education in eastern and Western

  16. 文章旨在阐述现代远距离教育的社会性,社会性是现代远距离教育的必然要求。

    The purpose of this paper is to expound the sociality of modern distance education .

  17. 远距离教育中的独立学习

    Independent Learning in Distance Education

  18. 在教育领域使多媒体组合得以实现,个别化学习方式得以确立,远距离教育效率得以增强,继续教育更有实效。

    It also helps realize multi media composition , individual learning , and effect far distance education and continue education .

  19. 函授教育属远距离教育。函授教学限制条件较多,但又必须达到相同专业同层次全日制教学水平。

    Correspondence education is of long distance teaching , which is requested to reach the designed level although it has many restrictions .

  20. 新技术为高校教学改革提供了条件和动力,为远距离教育开拓了新的应用领域。

    The new technology provides conditions and impetus to the revolution of higher education , and explores new application field for distance education .

  21. 撰写本文的目的就在于探讨如何利用计算机网络来实现远距离教育中的人文关怀思想,以更好的发展远距离教育,实现技术和人文的最佳融合。

    The essay probes how to realize humanism in distant education by using computer network , aiming to make distant education develop better and to realize the smooth combination of technology and humanism .

  22. 远距离教育是一种崭新的教学模式,是提高国民素质的新的途径和方法,是现代教育新的增长点。

    Distance education is a new style of teaching model . It is a new way and approach of improving national citizens quality and it is a new point of growth of modern education .

  23. 随着信息技术向教育领域的扩展,多媒体和网络在教育中的应用越来越普遍,利用网络进行远距离教育得到了迅速的发展,涌现出一大批网络虚拟学校。

    Along with the information technology in education , multimedia and network are more and more common , which develops rapidly in long-distance education using the network . Thus emerged large quantities of network schools .

  24. 同时,现代远距离教育的社会性要求调整现代远距离教育的工作思路,变学历认证为知识认证,发展终身教育,提高全民素质。

    Sociality is the requirement of modern distance education and the anthor thinks it a must to adjust the working thought , to change from diploma authentication to knowledge authentication to develop lifelong education , and to improve the national quality .

  25. 加拿大高等教育非常发达,在办学自主权、校企合作教育、教育管理效益、远距离教育、拓展国际教育市场及双语教学等方面自成体系,很有特色;

    Canada enjoys an advanced higher education system , which is unique in such aspects as independence in school operation , cooperative education between schools and enterprises , benefits of educational management , open education , development of overseas educational markets and bilingual education , etc.

  26. 美、加远距离开放教育的特点与启示

    Attributes and Inspirations of Distant Education in America and Canada

  27. 现代教育技术与远距离函授教育的整合发展

    Integrated Development of Current Educational Technology & Distance Correspondence

  28. 技术创新、终身学习体系和中国远距离开放教育系统模式

    Life-long Learning within the Age of Technical Innovations and the Chinese System of Open and Distance Education