
  • 网络Open Education Research
  1. 学习型社会背景下现代远程开放教育研究

    A Research on Modern Distance Opening Education in a Learning-Orientated Society

  2. 教师竞争力:现代远程开放教育研究的新视野

    A New Vision of Modern Distance Education Research : the Teacher 's Competitiveness

  3. 加强理论研究积极实践探索努力开创远程开放教育研究工作的新局面

    Strengthening Research and Practice , Making TV University 's Distance Education Research A New Future

  4. 开放教育研究性教学模式的实践与思考&以《信托与租赁》课程为例

    Practice and Thought on Research-oriented Teaching Pattern in Open Education : Trust and Rentas an Example

  5. 从封闭到开放:教育研究方法范式的转换

    From Closed to Open : Paradigm Shift in Educational Research

  6. 开放远程教育研究与文化及社区建设

    Culture , Community Building and ODL Research

  7. 改革开放以来道德教育研究主题的回顾分析

    Retrospect and Analysis of Researches on Moral Education since Reform and Opening-up

  8. 我国开放与远程教育研究的内容分析

    Analysis the Contents of Open and Distance Education Research

  9. 远程开放教育环境下研究性教学模式的创建

    Construction of Researched-based Teaching Model in Distance Learning Environment

  10. 开放教育教学设计研究的发展趋势综述

    Summary of the Developing Trend of the Study of Curriculum Design in Open Distance Education

  11. 论开放教育中的研究性教学体系

    On Research Teaching System on Open Education

  12. 中、英、美三国开放与远程教育研究论文的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Periodical Literature in Distance Education in China , Great Britain and USA

  13. 根据问卷调查结果,进行了开放教育模块的研究和开发。

    This paper base on the result of questionnaire investigates to develop the open education mode .

  14. 开展人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目研究工作的探索与思考

    Exploration and Reflection of the Pilot Program of Talents - training Model Reform and Open Education

  15. 成人学习心理研究是开放教育试点项目研究的一个重要课题。

    The research on adult learning mentality is an important subject in open education experimental unit .

  16. 在开放教育中开展研究性学习更适合成人学习的特点,有利于应用型人才的培养。

    Developing project-based learning in open education better adapts to the characteristics of adult students , and it benefits the cultivation of personnel with applied skills .

  17. 在人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目研究过程中,如何开发网络课程等网上教学资源,搞好教学支持服务,作为一个子课题项目,被摆到了一个重要的地位。

    During the research of " Talent Cultivate Module and Opening Education " project , we found it very important how to develop network teaching resource , such as network course .

  18. 1999年教育部批准的中央电大人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点项目研究,以下简称电大开放教育是《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》的重点项目之一。

    In 1999 , Education Ministry sanctioned central TV university personnel training mode reform and open education pilot project study , hereafter referred to as TVU open education . It is one of the key items of the action plan of vitalizing education towards the 21st century .

  19. 远程开放教育应该深层次研究的几个问题

    Several Issues of Distance and Open Education Should be Researched Deeply

  20. 开放教育学员学习心理研究

    Psychological research into the study of students of open education

  21. 远程开放教育学习者权利研究

    The Research on the Rights of Learners in Open and Distance Education

  22. 地市级电大开放教育教学管理模式研究

    The Teaching Management Modes of Open Education in Regional or Urban TV University

  23. 顾客满意度测评在开放教育中的应用研究

    Applying research on Customer Satisfaction Measurement at opening education

  24. 改革开放以来农民工教育培训研究综述

    A review of the trainings on migrant workers since the reform and opening

  25. 开放教育考试管理模式研究

    Research on management mode of open education exams

  26. 单一模式开放大学的远程教育研究:两岸三地的比较

    Distance Education Research of Single Model Open University

  27. 天津电大开放教育教师队伍建设研究

    Research on the Construction of Teaching Staff of Open Education in Tianjin Radio & TV University

  28. 随着中国远程教育的飞速发展,远程开放教育的教学模式研究也随之繁荣。

    Quite a few teaching models have been formed and developed in the process of distance education practice in China in these recent years .

  29. 开放教育“试点”研究项目的发展,为现代远程开放教育教学模式的探索和研究提供了良好的契机。

    The study item of the open education pilot scheme has provided the good chance for the exploration and research of open education teaching model .

  30. 在广播电视大学开展的“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作中,系统建设发挥着重要的作用。

    System development is an important element in the research project carried out by the RTVUs on reforming and opening up education using the talents nurturing model .