
  • 网络green product
  1. 我们只有努力开发绿色产品,发展绿色产业,强化绿色意识,才能在将来的国际市场上占有一席之地。

    In order to play an important role , we must try hard to exploit green product , develop green industry and strong green consciousness .

  2. 实施绿色制造模式,开发绿色产品,首先需要从理论和实践上研究确立绿色产品评价体系。

    First , the establishment of the green product assessment system becomes very urgent from the theory and the practice , for the implementation of the green manufacturing and the development of green products .

  3. 开发绿色产品是时势所趋

    To Develop Green Products is Current Trend

  4. 企业要开发绿色产品、重视绿色认证、推行绿色管理。

    Enterprisers should develop green food , stress on green accreditation and carry out green management .

  5. 发展绿色产业与开发绿色产品问题研究

    The Studying of the Problems of the Development of Green Industry and Its Cultivation of Green Products

  6. 树立绿色价值观、使用绿色技术、实施绿色设计、开发绿色产品、推行绿色生产、取得绿色认证、开展绿色营销和塑造绿色企业文化等构成了绿色管理的基本内涵。

    The content of green management consists of eight aspect such as setting up green values , using green technology and so on .

  7. 因此,开发绿色产品,采用绿色营销的模式将成为世界各国进行产品生产与销售的发展趋势。

    So , develop the green products , adopt the model of green marketing will become the development trend that every country in the world produces products and sell .

  8. 本文就我国发展绿色产业与开发绿色产品方面的问题进行了分析和论述。

    Thus the studying of the problems concerning China 's Development of Green Industry and Its cultivation of Green Products may offer references to the enterprises and the government .

  9. 另一方面企业要树立绿色营销理念,收集绿色信息,开发绿色产品,制定绿色价格,选择绿色销售渠道,加强绿色销售服务,开展绿色促销等;

    Furthermore , enterprises should develop the notion of green marketing , collect green information , exploit green products , set green prices , select channels for green marketing , intensify service of green marketing , start green pushing sales and the rest .

  10. 我们要加快建立绿色预警机制,开发绿色产品,加强和完善我国在环境保护和贸易方面的立法工作,建立符合国际惯例的出口商品检验检疫标准。

    We should speed up to establish green alarm mechanism , to open up green products , to strengthen and perfect our country 's lawmaking work in the aspects of environmental protection and trade , to establish export commodity inspection criteria that suit the international conventions .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,面临严峻的国际市场竞争也要求我国水产业积极开发绿色水产品,提高产品质量,加强水产品出口的竞争力。

    Since China has entered the WTO , the aquatic product department needs to improve the product quality and strengthen the competition of the aquatic product exportation in this fierce international market .

  12. 戈伊电动汽车将开发使用绿色产品生命周期战略。

    GOY electric vehicles will be developed using Green Product Lifecycle strategies .

  13. 比如加强原材料基地建设,努力实现林板一体化,开发生产绿色产品,构筑和谐环境等。

    Such as enhance raw material bases to achieve forest board integration , develop and product green products , and build a harmonious environment .

  14. 我国西部地区旅游业也能够从旅游资源特点和市场条件出发,积极发展生态旅游,开发绿色旅游产品。

    Western tourism must positively develop ecological tour and green tour products on the basis of its feature of the tour resources and the condition of market .

  15. 本文提出在发展渔业经济过程中遇到的一些问题,指出开发绿色水产品是发展渔业经济的必由之路。

    This paper poses some problems in the process to develop the fishery economy , and proves that the exploitation of the green aquatic is the only way to develop the fishery economy .

  16. 目前,针对环保意识强烈的消费者,电脑、芯片和软件公司纷纷开发“绿色”产品满足他们的需要。

    Computer manufacturers , chip makers and software companies are developing'greener'products for environmentally conscious consumers .

  17. 十分渴望能得到纯天然、无污染的优质食品,发展绿色有机农业,生产开发绿色有机农产品和食品正可以满足这一要求。

    Develop the organic agriculture and produce the organic food can satisfy the need exactly .

  18. 开发研制绿色化学产品

    Development of Green Chemicals

  19. 同时,银行通过开发出绿色金融产品扩大利润,也能够为其自身带来商机。

    In the same time , banks could increase profits through develop green financial products , and this activity could also bring more business opportunities for themselves .

  20. 培育绿色观念,推行绿色标准,实行绿色开发,生产绿色产品,开展绿色经营,是实现绿色旅游的有效形式。

    To cultivate green concept , promote green standard , practice green developing , produce green product , launch green operation is the efficient way of achieving green tourism .

  21. 开发和推广绿色产品;推广农牧业新技术、新产品,提供农业信息及各种服务。

    Planting & developing Chinese herbal medicine and green products , Promoting new technology , new products of farming and animal husbandry , to provide the agriculture information and various services .

  22. 莲子是福建省出口创汇的一个特色农副产品,速冻莲子作为新开发的绿色天然产品,符合国际市场需求,在港澳台、日本及东南亚地区具有广阔的市场前景。

    Lotus seed is a distinguished agricultural product in Fujian province , Instant frozen lotus seed as one of new developed natural green products , has a abroad market in Hongkong , Macao , Taiwan and southeast of Asian region .

  23. 通过香草类植物提炼而成的芳香类植物精油,是我们倾情为您开发的高品质绿色有机产品。

    Vanilla extracted from plants through the aromatic essential oils , is the portrait for you to develop high-quality green organic products .

  24. 企业从微观上树立绿色营销观念,以绿色经营哲学来研制开发制造业的绿色产品;加强技术改造、提高技术水平,制造出物美价廉的绿色产品;

    In micro , corporations build up concept of green marketing , develop manufacturing green products with green working philosophy , reinforce technological innovations , improve technological levels , manufacture bargain green products , use combined marketing strategies , orientate correctly and choose objective markets .

  25. 在产品开发中,要努力开发和推广绿色旅游产品。

    In product development , strive to develop and promote green tourism products .

  26. 为改进传统的串行式设计方法,提出机电产品开发中应用并行式绿色设计方法,以缩短产品开发周期,提高质量,降低成本,减少污染,保护环境,开发绿色产品。

    Improving to the serial mould design method , green design of concurrent engineering is introduced for mechanical & electrical product development , to shorten the product development period , improve quality and reduce cost , to reduce pollution and preserve environment . And which can develop the green product .

  27. 她使用IBMRational和WebSphere工具,根据在协作式环境中进行部署的需求开发端到端场景,通过这些测试了业务驱动开发绿色线程和产品集成。

    She has been testing the Business-Driven Development green thread and product integrations by developing end-to-end scenarios from requirements to deployment in a collaborative environment , using IBM Rational and WebSphere tools .