
kāi chǎnɡ qǔ
  • opening song
  1. 梅斯、斯特尔林?K?布朗来自《我们这一天》剧组,一起出演开场曲,还有说唱歌手ChancetheRapper鼓励我们不光要热衷政治,还要纵享电视节目的黄金年代。

    Justin Hartley , Chrissy Metz and Sterling K. Brown from This Is Us ; and Chance the Rapper who encouraged everyone to remain politically active while also enjoying the current golden age of TV .

  2. 史蒂芬考伯特的开场曲

    Stephen Colbert 's opening musical and monologue

  3. 第一部《诺博士》和第二部《俄罗斯之恋》没有开场曲,而是安排了管弦乐。

    The first two films in the series - Dr. No and From Russia With Love - didn 't have opening songs , they had orchestral arrangements .

  4. 小朋友最爱卡通片,开场曲就算唔知讲乜但系个个都实识唱!想睇返请到讨论坛要求。

    Cartoons are kids favourite , even iftheydon 't know what the words are , _every kid knows how to-sing the theme songs ! Request to see_itagain on the forum .

  5. 《诺博士》甚至插入了《三只瞎老鼠》的怪异演奏。随后,《女王密使》才开始有了开场曲,并且在影片的中间和结尾插入了主题曲。

    Dr. No even segued into a weird rendition of " Three Blind Mice . " Later on , On Her Majesty 's Secret Service gave the opening number amiss and snuck its theme song into the middle and end of the movie .