
  1. 彝族土主崇拜研究

    A Study of the Local-God Worship by the Yi Nationality

  2. 基于薄层单元法的砂性土主动土压力分布计算

    Calculation of Active Earth Pressure of Cohesionless Soil Based on Thin Layer Element Method

  3. 饱水粘性土主固结理论

    Primary Consolidation Theory of Saturated Soft Clay

  4. 进行了岩土主应力轴旋转问题的应力增量分析,并推导出考虑主应力轴旋转时岩土的应力增量与塑性应变增量的关系;

    The stress increment considering the rotation of principal stress axes for geotechnical materials is analyzed ;

  5. 饱水粘性土主固结理论(续):主固结过程粘性土含水量与时间的关系

    Primary Consolidation Theory of Saturated Soft Clay ( Continuation ): The Relationship between Clay 's Water Content and Time during Primary Consolidation

  6. 对临近既有地下室T模式下刚性挡土墙粘性土主动土压力进行数值分析和理论研究。

    Numerical and theoretical studies were concentrated on the active earth pressure of cohesive backfill on a T mode rigid retaining wall adjacent to an existing basement .

  7. 确定平面应变条件下无粘性土中主应力的一个经验公式

    An Empirical Formula Determining Intermediate Principal Stress of Cohesionless Soil under Plane Strain Condition

  8. 通过对比无土钉和施加土钉两种情况的土中主应力变化及摩尔圆分析,说明了土钉支护的加固机理和效果。

    The soil-nailing support 's reinforcement mechanics and it 's effect are represented by comparison of principal stress in the case with and without soil-nailing support and analysis of Mohr circles .

  9. 三菱的logo是岩崎家族的家族标志「三段菱」和土佐藩主山内家族的家族标志“三柏菱”的结合,后来逐渐演变成今天的三菱标志,以三颗菱形钻石为标志。

    The logo represents this by combining two " crests " - the three-leaf crest of the Tosa Clan and the Iwasaki family crest , which showed three diamonds stacked on top of each other .

  10. 岩土材料最大主剪应变破坏准则的推导

    Deduction of failure criterion for geomaterials based on maximum principal shear strain

  11. 软土沉降包括主固结沉降和次固结沉降,主次固结同时发生。

    The settlement of soft soil includes main consolidation settlement and minor consolidation settlement .

  12. 而在两种电解质体系中表面电荷总量、表面电荷密度大致相当,这从一个侧面反映了紫色土表面电荷主西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要-.口豆口。

    But the charge quantity , surface charge density is almost same in both type .

  13. 采用助催化剂预处理蒙脱土再负载主催化剂的方法制备得到负载型催化剂(A型),其负载量偏低;

    The supported catalyst ( A ) prepared by immobilizing nickel complex on the MMT pretreated with cocatalyst had a low load of Ni ( II ) .

  14. 甜土植物中缺乏主效耐盐基因,人们寄希望于通过基因工程育种手段培育耐盐作物品种。

    Glycophyte lacked main effect salt - tolerance gene and we hoped to cultivate salt-tolerant species by genetic engineering means .

  15. 周围压力越高,土样破坏时主应力差越高,孔隙水压力越大;

    The pore pressure rises with the increasing surrounding pressure and the decreasing water content , which is more evident when the surrounding pressure is high .

  16. 分析了c、φ的异步发挥,土的剪胀性,土单元主应力方向旋转,孔隙水压力以及损伤软化对侧阻发挥的影响。

    It analyses the influence of , dilatancy , rotation of soil cell 's principal stress , pore water pressure and the damage softening .

  17. 在排土场堆积过程中,排土处最大主应力差随着排土高度的增加,岩土体破坏区域不断加大;

    Accumulation in the process dump , the maximum principal stress difference at dumping height with the increase of increasing regional rock and soil damage ;

  18. 从超固结土与正常固结土的应力关系开始,分析卸载对土的大小主应力的影响,得到考虑卸载影响和不考虑卸载影响2种情况下土的抗剪强度差值。

    In consideration of stresses relation between over-consolidated soils and normal consolidated soils , the effect of unloading on major stresses was analyzed .

  19. 针对库仑土压理论提出的假设,应用典型力学分析的方法,对粘性土主动土压力的计算提出了一种较为便捷的方法。

    Based on Coulomb ( C ) theories , typical mechanics is applied to calculate active earth pressure of clay , and a comparatively simple and convenient method is proposed .