
  1. 变电站土石方工程量计算的优化方法

    The Optimal Method of Calculation of Earthwork Volume of Transformer Substation

  2. 浅谈市政及公路工程土石方工程量计算

    Discussing the calculation on amount of municipal and highway engineering earthworks

  3. 结合数字高程模型的特点,对土石方工程量格网法计算方法进行改进。

    Combined with the digital elevation model characteristics , this paper improves the grid method that is used to calculate earth-rock volume .

  4. 结合工程实践,对编制市政工程及公路工程土石方工程量依据、计算要点进行了论述。

    Based on the practice , discussion is made on the calculating methods and principles of amount of municipal and highway engineering earthworks .

  5. 结合实际工作经验,指出平均断面法计算土石方工程量的不足,提出改进方法&变更平均断面法。

    Combining the practical work experience , the paper points out the shortcoming of average cross-section method in computing earth and rockfill volume , and presents a new method & change average cross-section method .

  6. 本文对黄金矿山总图设计中要充分利用地形自然坡度,减少土石方工程量,减少生产期间的经营费,使矿山达到最佳经济效益进行了探讨。

    This peper made an inquisition into the design of the general layout of gold mine in order to fully utilize the natural stope of topography , reduce earth-stone work load and decrease operating expense , thus acquiring the mine 's optimun benefit .

  7. 公路建设中,特别是在山岭重丘区,路基土石方工程量大面广,其调配的准确性与合理性直接影响到工程项目的概、预算,招、投标及施工过程的计量费用及工程进度。

    During the highway construction , especially in the mountain range , the cubic meter of the roadbed earthwork is so large that the veracity and rationality of its allocation would influence the project budget , bidding , construction expense and schedule directly .

  8. 土石方工程量的计算在估价中占有十分重要地位,本文针对这一工程实际的需要,在传统手工计算土石方工程量方法的基础上,提出了一种土石方工程量计算的优化方法。

    In evalution of projects , calculation of earthwork volume may be a very important part . According to the requirement of most projects and on the basis of traditional method , we have created a new method of optimal calculating earthwork and auto-balance .

  9. CMICT码头(招商国际集装箱码头)土石方工程开挖量约590万m3,爆区周边有玻璃厂和300多幢年代不同、结构不等的村民房屋。

    About 5.9 millions m ~ 3 of rock were blasted in the excavation of CMICT ( China Merchants International Container Terminal ) Dock . Near the blast area there are a glass factory and about 300 village houses with different structures and ages .

  10. 从分析道路纵断面特性与土石方关系入手,提出了一种用道路纵断面和地面自然特性推求土石方工程量的新公式。

    This paper has proposed a new formula to reckon the earthwork by way of utilizing profile and natural characteristics of surface , starting with the analysis of relationship between profile feature and earthwork .