
  1. 在技术引进上,土山湾印书馆在起步之初熟练运用中国传统雕版印刷工艺。

    On technology , Tou-Se-We initially began to the use the traditional Chinese woodblock printing process .

  2. 作为教区中心机构,土山湾印书馆得以在时局不济的情况下稳步发展。

    As the essence education institute , Tou-Se-We has been unaffected and developed thrive under that social situation .

  3. 作为震旦学院教材出版商,土山湾印书馆为其提供了广泛的一手材料,为当时的学生所用。

    As Aurora College publishers , Tou-Se-We provide a wide range of primary materials to students at the time .

  4. 第二,整理土山湾印书馆引进的印刷技术,并对部分土山湾印刷技术进行原理分析。

    Secondly , Give the introduction of Tou-Se-We finishing printing technology , and part of the Tou-Se-We principle in printing technology .