
tǔ fáng
  • adobe;keekwilee-house;land and house
土房 [tǔ fáng]
  • (1) [land and house]∶土地与房屋

  • (2) [adobe]∶用土坯或泥土板筑的房子。也叫土房子

土房[tǔ fáng]
  1. 我们一家三代四口人都挤在爷爷的60平米左右的土房内。

    Three generations of our family of four live in Grandpa's60 square meters house .

  2. 徐州地区夯土房的土料力学性能试验分析

    Experimental Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Soil Materials of Rammed Earth Construction in Xuzhou Area

  3. 村庄农田生境鸟类群落状态变差,与农村传统土房大量消失有关。

    That in village and farmland is getting worse because of disappearance of traditional houses .

  4. 在平原的土房里,在山区的窑洞中,秘密串连又开始了。

    In huts and caves , in the plains and in the mountains , secret conclaves went on again .

  5. 小土房上小小的烟囱,冒出的烟也是纤细的,更像童话中的一幅插图。

    From the small chimneys on the top of small adobe , smoking was fine , like an inset in fairy tale novels .

  6. 住房方面,以土房为主,大部分都有自己的住房,但卫生条件极差。

    Housing , mainly to adobe , most of them have their own housing , but the sanitary conditions of the housing is poor .

  7. 妻子米世秀、儿子何进波和他一起住在一间老旧的土房里,全家人一起贩卖水果。

    He lived in an old earthen house with his wife , Mi Shixiu , and their son , Jinbo . Together , they sold fruit ;

  8. 何况那住在土房,根基在尘土里,被蠹虫所毁坏的人呢。

    How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay , whose foundation is in the dust , which are crushed before the moth ?