
  • 网络Land economics;Land Economic;Land economy
  1. 论发展中的土地经济学及其学科建设

    On the Developing Land Economics and its Discipline Construction

  2. 美国宇航局的这项研究将在明年早期发表于《土地经济学》杂志上。

    The NASA study will be published early next year in the journal Land Economics .

  3. 广州市城中村改造的土地经济学求解

    A Land Economic Solution to Village-in-city Rebuild in Guangzhou

  4. 本文运用土地经济学的理论,采用实证分析,数理统计分析等方法相结合,从若干相关方面展开研究。

    Using empirical analysis , mathematical methods of statistical analysis , it research from several aspects .

  5. 研究结论:张丕介及其《土地经济学导论》在中国土地经济学史上具有重要的地位。

    The conclusion is that the roles of Tchang and his Introductory Land Economics should be acknowledged .

  6. 第二类是土地经济学观点,重点关注土地税收是否影响资源配置。

    The other is the viewpoint of land economics , which attaches great importance to whether revenue policies impose effect on allocation of resources .

  7. 城市地价空间结构是一个比较新的概念,而且城市地价空间结构的研究也是一个多学科的研究对象,它包含了土地经济学、城市经济学、城市地理学等很多学科的内容。

    City land-value spatial structure is not only a new concept but also a research object that contains many subjects such as land economics , city economics and city geography .

  8. 研究目的:旨在综述和探讨土地经济学的学科性质与定义,阐明土地经济学的发展历史与进展。

    This paper aimed at the discipline construction of developing land economics , to inquire into the academic nature of modern land economics , expound its development history and progress .

  9. 本文基于土地经济学和新制度经济学等相关理论,以长三角地区为研究对象,探索了长三角地区土地资源配置的特征及配置方式对城镇化进程的影响。

    Based on land economics and new institutional economics theory , we explore the impact of the Yangtze River Delta area of land resource allocation and configuration features of the urbanization process .

  10. 借助于成熟的西方经济学、城市经济学、土地经济学、地理学等有关理论,探讨在市场经济体制下,城市土地价格调节城市土地资源配置的理论基础。

    The paper tries to summarize the effect of urban land price on the allocation of urban land resources under the condition of socialist market economy , applying theories of western economics , urban economics , land economics , and geography .

  11. 依据马克思的土地经济学原理,土地制度是保障土地这一基本的生产要素与其它生产要素优化配置而形成的有机体系。

    In this paper , based on the principles of the economics of Marxist , I pointed out that the land system is to protect the production of land and optimize the allocation of other factors and the formation of an organic system .

  12. 本文以新古典经济学、新制度经济学、马克思主义经济学及土地经济学的相关基础理论为依据,对集体建设用地使用权流转的客观必然性、现实可能性进行了探讨。

    Based on the related basic theories of Neo-Classical School of Economics , Neo-Institution School of Economics , Marxism Economy Theory and Land economics , this paper discussed the necessity and possibility of the transference of the right to the use of collective construction land .

  13. 它涉及到的学科较多,如技术经济学、房地产经济学、土地经济学、财务分析学、投资学、统计学、市场学、会计学、福利经济学等等,而其中财务分析是房地产投资分析的核心内容。

    It concern with many subjects : such as technology economy , real estate economy , estate economy , financial analysis , investment economy , statistics , marketing , accounting , welfare economy etc. Of all these subjects , financial analysis is the core of real estate investment analysis .

  14. 土地退化经济学分析与防治对策

    Controlling Strategies of the Land Degradation and Economic Analysis

  15. 土地资源经济学在我国形成时间虽不长,但该学科发展较快,目前已日趋完善。本文在前人研究的基础上,对我国土地资源经济学科体系建设进行了评述。

    Though the existence of land resource economics is not very long in China , it has been rapidly developed and gradually be perfected .

  16. 文中提出了土地资源经济学的概念,评价了土地资源经济学与其它学科之间的关系,探讨了土地资源经济学研究的主要内容和方向,并介绍了我国土地资源经济学的研究重点。

    A review of the development of this discipline in China was presented in this paper , and the concept of land resource e-conomics , its relation with other branches as well as its focal research points were all discussed .

  17. 本文在研究土地生态经济学等理论的基础上,将生态安全界定为人类赖以生存和发展的土地资源所处的生态环境,处于一种不受或少受威胁与破坏的健康、平衡状态。

    Based on the theory of land ecological economy etc. , this paper is studying of definition of land ecological security that land resources for ecological environment of survival and development for mankind is in a kind of the balanced state and health that do not suffer threat and damage .

  18. 主要介绍了经济增长理论与模型、IS-LM模型与宏观调控理论、不确定性分析法、成本效益分析法以及博弈理论等土地利用规划经济学分析的基本理论与方法。

    A number of basic theories and methodologies of land use planning analysis in economics are mainly introduced , for instance , the theories and models of economic growth , the macro-control theories and IS-LM models , uncertainty analysis , cost-benefit analysis and game theory , etc.

  19. 农村土地流转的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Rural Land Circulation

  20. 通过探讨林业土地复垦的经济学观点,指出了降低土地复垦费用的基本途径。

    The basic ways to reduce the reclamation cost were presented based on the economical considerations on the forestry land reclamation .

  21. 我国农村土地征用制度的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis about Our Country 's Rural Land Requisition System

  22. 地方政府土地市场行为的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Local Governments ' Behaviors in Land Market

  23. 土地征用制度的经济学分析及改革思路

    Analysis of Land Expropriation System and Its Reformation Thoughts Based on Economic Theory

  24. 土地隐形市场的经济学分析

    An Analysis of Invisible Land Market from Economics

  25. 土地法律制度的经济学分析

    An economic perspective of land legal system

  26. 土地资源配置的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis on land resource arrangement

  27. 土地持续利用的经济学本质含义仍在于资源的优化配置,但可持续意义上的土地配置与一般意义上的资源配置已有了很大的区别。

    The dissertation thinks that the core of land sustainable use is still the resources optimization allocation , but it differs much from the allocation in the traditional meaning .

  28. 其次,对城市地价分布研究的基本理论做了必要的介绍,包括地租地价理论、土地供需关系理论、土地利用经济学原理、土地区位利用理论和土地估计理论等;

    In addition , some basic principles bearing a relation to urban land price distribution are presented , such as the land rent and land price theory , the land supply and demand theory , the land use economic theory , the land location theory and the land valuation theory .

  29. 研究结果:张丕介是民国时期著名的土地经济学家,他于1944年出版的《土地经济学导论》具有重大的学术价值。

    The results indicate that Tchang Pi-kai 's Introductory Land Economics published in1944 is of great academic value .

  30. 土地价格是土地市场形成的关键,也是土地经济学理论研究的重要范畴。

    Land price is the key to the land market , and it is also an important category of economics in perspective of land .