
tǔ kǎn
  • ridge;earthen steps
土坎 [tǔ kǎn]
  • [earth steps] 亦称土坎子。用土修筑而成的台阶状东西

  1. 膨胀土地区土坎梯地建设研究

    Research on Construction of Earth banked Terrace in Expensive Soil Area

  2. 砂质山区土坎梯田埂坎稳定性分析

    Analysis of the Stability of Terrace Soil Edge in Sandy Mountains

  3. 土坎水平梯田最优断面设计

    The optimal design of cross section of level terrace of farmland hole

  4. 膨胀土地区土坎梯地的规格化研究

    Standardization of Earth banked Terrace in Expansive Soil Area

  5. 为解决陕南膨胀土分布区土坎梯地垮坎问题,应采取防水防风化的综合性措施。

    The comprehensive treatment of prevention of moisture and wind should be adopted to solve the problem .

  6. 渗漏量:水田>土坎梯田>石坎梯田>坡地>林地,林地的渗漏量最小;

    The percolation : paddy field > earth dike terrace > stone dike terrace > sloping field > woodland .

  7. 这些土坎倾向于驱散远离观察员的光,有色泽伴随损失的。

    These ridges tend to scatter the light away from the observer , with a concomitant loss of luster .

  8. 长阳县对运用该固结剂修筑梯田土坎、土质晒场和道路的效果进行了实验。

    Changyang County has conducted tests in building ridges of terraced fields , earth sunning ground and roads by using the solidifying agent .

  9. 我站在土坎坎上,看着他的背影,渐渐地消失在山坳坳里。

    As we said good-bye , I would stand at the top of a high ground and watch his receding back until it vanished among the hills .

  10. 堤防:用来防止淹水的堤坝;一个连续的围堰或土坎(地表)为阻止灌溉区被洪水泛滥。水利水电工程围堰设计导则

    Levee : An embankment for preventing flooding ; a continuous dike or ridge ( as of earth ) for confining the irrigation areas of land to be flooded . Guide for design of cofferdam for hydropower and water conservancy project

  11. 对陕南膨胀土分布区土坎梯地普遍存在的严重垮坎现象进行调查分析表明,膨胀土吸水膨胀、强度锐减的土质特性是土坎梯地垮坎毁坏的根本原因。

    Analysis and investigation of severe dam collapse often existing in soil ridge terraced land of dilatable soil areas in south Shaanxi demonstrate that the essential cause for dam collapse is acute decrease of strength of dilatable soil with moisture absorption and consequent expansion .