
  • 网络Frank Herring Chalfant
  1. 关于变形牛顿方法敛速的一个注记

    A note on the rate of convergence of modified Newton methods

  2. SIMPLE方法的敛散性

    Divergent and convergent characters of simple method

  3. 拟线性双曲型方程的A.D.I.Galerkin方法及其敛速估计

    An A. D. I. Galerkin method and the estimation of the convergence rate for Some Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations

  4. 方法简单,敛速高。

    The method is simple and the convergence rate is high .

  5. 方法采用滋阴敛阳法治疗老年人失眠属阴虚阳亢证者32例,观察治疗前后入睡时间、睡眠质量及睡眠时间的变化。

    Method The therapy of nourishing yin and astringing yang was used to treat 32 cases of senile insomnia of the syndrome type of hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency . The changes of the time for falling asleep , sleep quality and sleep time were observed .