
  1. 这种风格演变形成了中国古代漆器艺术史上繁简繁的发展过程。

    This style evolved the ancient Chinese lacquer art history " fan-Jane-numerous " development process .

  2. 用氢氧化钠水溶液对天然生漆漆膜进行腐蚀,以模拟已被腐蚀的古代漆器漆膜,再用硅酸乙酯对已被腐蚀的生漆膜进行化学修复。

    Raw lacquer film was etched by aqueous solution of NaOH so as to simulate the corroded raw lacquer film on ancient lacquerwares .

  3. 结果证明本法为解析古代漆器漆膜年代信息提供了一条有效的新途径。

    The result proves that an effective and new way for gaining age message of ancient lacquer film on lacquerware is furnished by the method .

  4. 日本古代漆器艺术无论在工艺、品种,还是材料上,都与中国的古代漆艺术有密不可分的联系。

    Japan lacquer ware in ancient art in terms of technology , variety , is also on the material , and the art of painting in ancient China are closely linked .

  5. 明中叶黄成所著《髹饰录》是我国古代唯一传世的漆器工艺著作。

    Xiushi Lu dieshuo was a unique ancient Chinese treatise on the craft of lacquering .