
  1. 古代的人即使只有一个人也习惯大声朗读。

    The ancients were in the habit of reading aloud even when alone .

  2. 这些古代的人没有高度发达的工具。

    These ancient people did not have highly developed tools .

  3. 这证明了日历对古代的人十分重要。

    which stands to reasons calendars were very important to ancient peoples .

  4. 中国古代的人真穿这些衣服吗?

    Did ancient Chinese people really wear them ?

  5. 古代的人制作了石头工具。

    Ancient men made tools of stone .

  6. 古代的人骑摩托车吗?

    Can ancient people ride motercycle ?

  7. 古代的人知道,你可以随意解读经文。

    People in the ancient knew , you can interpret a text any way you want to .

  8. 你们看圣经就知道古代的人修行真的很难。

    Just reading the bible , you will know how hard it was to practice in the past .

  9. 古代的人,凡是做一件善事,就在瓶子里放一粒红豆做记;

    Whenever the ancient people have done a good deed , they will put a red bean into t bottle as a mark .

  10. 现在,家里保留的传统让我们想到古代的人庆祝丰收,感谢和平和印第安人的努力。

    The customs we see in our homes today remind us of ancient celebrations of harvest , thankfulness for peace , and the endeavors of native Americans .

  11. 中国古代的人本主义是一种比较早熟的、具有相当理性的思维方式,它在一定程度上支配着中国古代的政治、哲学、文化的许多方面。

    The ancient humanism of China is a mode of early-maturing and rational thinking . To a great extent , Chinese ancient political , philosophy and civilization all are controlled by it .

  12. 贾斯珀。怀特是少有的相信古代神话的人之一

    Jasper White is one of rare people who believes in ancient myths .

  13. 罗马人着手开化古代的不列颠人。

    The Romans set out to civilize the ancient britons .

  14. 古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。

    The early Chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope .

  15. 古代的中国人想出多么了不起的主意啊!

    What a striking idea these ancient Chinese had !

  16. 奇怪的是,我们的登记数据库标示这是一架古代的汽车人飞船!

    Strangely enough , our registry database tagged it as an ancient Autobot ship !

  17. 贾斯怀特昌是少有的相信古代神话的人之一。

    Jasper White is one of the those rare people who believes in ancient myths .

  18. 古代的中国人相信,能从猫的眼睛看出时间。

    The ancient Chinese believed they could tell time by looking into a cat 's eyes .

  19. 尽管有人声称见过古代的太空人和来历不明的飞行物体,但并无确切证据证实别的文明世界的来客曾经访问过地球。

    Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects , there is no firm evidence for past visitations of the Earth by other civilizations .

  20. 很久以前,古代的中国人认为,木、火、土、金、水是构成生命的基本要素。

    A long time ago , ancient Chinese recognized that wood , fire , earth , metal and water were the basic elements necessary for life .

  21. 古代的北欧人不仅创造了独具特色的北欧文明,而且在皈依基督教之后又把自己的文化因子带进了欧洲大陆,为欧洲文明的发展做出了独特的贡献。

    The ancient northern Europeans not only created a unique civilization , but also made a unique contribution to the whole European civilization through their introduction of their culture after Christianization came into europe .

  22. 在森林中远足的背包客,还有穿梭在各航班之间的空中飞人,真要好好感谢古代的中国人,他们发明的指南针,指引着大家平安回家。

    Those of us who hike in the woods or fly various aircraft have the Chinese to thank for guiding us home safely.Originally , the Chinese created their compasses to point to true south .

  23. Oaxaca,Mexico墨西哥瓦哈卡州古代的中美洲人是世界上最早的巧克力制造者,从那时起墨西哥人就一直在生产巧克力。

    The ancient Mesoamericans were the world 's first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since .

  24. 论中国古代的饕餮与人牲

    A Study on Taotie and Human Sacrifices Humanity in Ancient China

  25. 伊特鲁里亚人:古代伊特鲁里亚的本地人或居民。

    Etruscan : a native or inhabitant of ancient Etruria .

  26. 古代高卢的凯尔特人。

    A Celt of ancient Gaul .

  27. 虽然古俄罗斯人比斯堪的纳维亚人更早发明滑雪橇,但早在6000年前,斯堪的纳维亚人(主要是指生活于古代北欧地区的人)已经发展出了极其精美的滑雪橇。

    Scandinavians developed primitive skis at least 6,000 years ago , though ancient Russians may have invented them even earlier .

  28. 本书以上百个考古发现的翻拍为特色,对于任何对中国古代感到兴趣的人,将会是个有用的资源

    " Featuring hundreds of reproductions of archaeological discoveries , this should be a useful resource for anyone interested in Chinese antiquity . "

  29. 巴比伦人、以色列人、及人以及其他古代中东地区的人吃一种泥炉做出来的平的不发酵的面包。

    Babylonians , Israelites , Egyptians and other ancient Middle Eastern counties were eating flat , un-leaven bread that had been cooked in mud ovens .

  30. “珍馐”却是一目了然的,至于“裴廓德”,那却准是记得起来的,它是马萨诸塞州印第安人的一个有名的种族,如今已和古代的米太人一样的绝种了。

    Tit-bit is obvious ; Pequod you will no doubt remember , was the name of a celebrated tribe of Massachusetts Indians ; now extinct as the ancient Medes .