
zhí sī
  • duty;job
  • be in charge of
职司 [zhí sī]
  • (1) [duty]∶职务;职责

  • 忠于职司

  • (2) [be in charge of]∶执掌

  • 职司机要,切勿大意

  1. 教坊职司方面与宋似,仍是宫廷承应乐舞的不可或缺的机构。

    Jin Jiaofang was the immutable setup when taking on music and dancing .

  2. 经济及社会理事会各职司委员会议事规则;

    Rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the economic and social council ;

  3. 天之下的诸神,各具职司,各有象征意义,因而各有具体的政治导向功用。

    Under the heaven , various gods and deities had their individual duties and symbolic meanings and so had their own specific political functions .

  4. 第二部分是云南少数民族关于龙的民间文学概况。主要是根据龙神的职司或扮演的不同角色,将关于龙的民间文学文本划分为不同的类型。

    The second part is the overview of the works concerning dragons in Yunnan minority folk literature , in which the literature works are divided into different types according to the roles that the dragons play .