
  • 网络Occupational Therapy
  1. 医疗护理学深造文凭-职业治疗学专业

    Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy

  2. 这就是你说的“职业治疗”吗

    Is this your idea of " Occupational therapy " ?

  3. 医疗护理学理学硕士&职业治疗学专业

    Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy

  4. 物理治疗、职业治疗和儿童体能智力测验按节收费,每节44元。

    Physiotherapy , occupational therapy and child assessment services are also charged at $ 44 per session .

  5. 毕业生在医院门诊、职业治疗诊所和政府机构工作,为残疾人士进行治疗。

    Graduates work in hospital out-patient clinics , occupational therapy clinics , and government agencies that serve the disabled .

  6. 护理深造学院〔医院管理局〕医疗护理学深造文凭-职业治疗学专业

    Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies [ Hospital Authority ] Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy

  7. 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为出院病人提供精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治疗服务。

    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals offer community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service to discharged patients .

  8. 职业治疗也可实施变更一个人的环境,无论是在家庭或工作,以增加个人的职能和无障碍环境。

    Occupational therapy may also implement changes to a person 's environment , both at home or work , to increase the individual 's function and accessibility .

  9. 世界职业病治疗人员联合会;

    World Federation of occupational therapists ;

  10. 城市外来务工人员就业歧视问题分析外来务工人员职业病治疗的心理干预

    Analysis on Employment Discrimination to the Migrant-workers Psychological intervention for occupational disease prevention and control in migrant temporary workers

  11. “比基尼医疗”是一种非正式说法,指的是一些医疗职业人士在治疗女性时,把注意力放在与乳房和生殖部位相关的健康问题上,而不是检查女性的整体健康状况。

    Bikini medicine is an informal term that refers to the tendency of some medical professionals to focus on health issues relating to the breasts and genital areas when treating women . This is as opposed to taking a look at the woman 's overall health .

  12. 浅谈高等职业教育康复治疗技术专业运动疗法学的课程建设

    Course Construction of Physical Therapy for Higher Vocational Education

  13. 臂丛神经损伤的治疗方法包括职业或物理治疗,在某些情况下也可进行手术。

    Treatment for brachial plexus injuries includes occupational or physical therapy and , in some cases , surgery .

  14. 迄今为止我们听说了许多法术系和战士系的职业,具有治疗能力的职业只有萨满。

    So far the only class with any ability to heal has been the Shaman , while we 've seen or heard about a number of caster and melee types .

  15. 以需求为导向改革高等职业技术教育康复治疗专业课程

    Reform of Higher Vocational Rehabilitation Therapy Curriculum Based on Demand

  16. 职业康复:强调治疗的最终目的是恢复技能,重返社会。

    Occupational rehabilitation : It was emphasized that the final purpose of treatment was the recovery of skills and return to society .

  17. 利用logestic回归检验影响生活质量的主要因素为年龄、发病到治疗的时间、职业、早期康复治疗以及婚姻状况。

    The main factors influencing the quality of life include age job , early rehabilitation , marry . and the time from onset to the beginning of treatment .

  18. 即便致死打击是必须的,但是已经有足够的职业有了,你可以找一个致死职业以及一个治疗,这依然有你的地方。

    Even if you assume MS is mandatory , there are enough classes that have it now that you should be able to bring MS and a healer and have room for a Boomkin as your third .