
  • 网络mentor;Career Mentor;career coach;career counselor
  1. 在这方面,职业导师总是极为有用。

    A mentor is always invaluable in this space .

  2. 对新工作尽快上手的窍门,就是找对职业导师。

    The key to mastering any new job is finding the right mentor .

  3. 纽约职业导师利亚雷纳(MelissaLlarena)说,你还应当使你的联系人能轻松拒绝这个请求,因为这个引荐有可能会令他(或她)感到不便。

    You should also give your contact an easy way out in case he or she isn 't comfortable making the introduction , says New York career coach Melissa Llarena . '

  4. 商学院教师或许能帮你接触到与你相同领域的人、与一位职业导师取得联系或者帮你获得一些外部领导职位机会。

    Faculty may be able put you in touch with others in your field , contacts for a mentor or external leadership opportunities .

  5. 她本身既是美国密尔沃基市的一名职业导师,教授大学课程,同时还创办和经营着一家技术支持公司,以及一家全国性的会议公司。

    A Milwaukee-based career coach who also teaches college courses , she founded and runs both a tech support company and a national seminar firm .

  6. 无论他们是职业导师,前任雇主还是当前的同事,你所投入到建立人际关系的时间和精力都会用得其所。

    Whether it 's with a mentor , former boss or current colleague , the time and energy invested in developing and nurturing these relationships will be well spent .

  7. 霍普金森说,如果你觉得时机合适,可以向职业导师或是工作中的密友询问其他人在你这种职位普遍拿多少工资以及职业阶梯晋升的下一步通常是什么。

    If you feel it 's appropriate , ask mentors or confidantes at work about the typical salary for others in your position and what the usual next step up the career ladder is , says Mr. Hopkinson .

  8. 说到这里,我们自然要问:职业咨询导师应该抱有怎样的宗旨。

    This leads us naturally to ask what careers advisers should aim at .

  9. 前码头装卸工现在成了职业社交导师

    Former longshoreman turned professional social liaison .

  10. 研究生职业发展教育中导师角色与作用的转变

    On the Transformation of Tutors ' Role in Career Development Education for Postgraduates

  11. 通过对中等职业学校的现状的分析,提出中等职业学校实施导师制的必要性,并从理论上给予进一步的说明。

    On the analysis of the present situations of the secondary vocational schools , the paper raises the necessity of the tutorial system in the secondary vocational schools , and give further explanation in theory .