
  1. 这三人都是这一职业教育学院的学生。

    All three were students at Louisiana Technical College .

  2. 根据对高等职业教育学院英语专业教学现状的调查分析,发现其英语专业教学中存在一些问题,违背了高等职业教育的培养目标。

    According to the investigations and analysis of the present situations of English major teaching , there are some problems in Vocational Higher Education .

  3. 新加坡南洋理工学院是一所公认的具有创新性综合性高等职业教育学院,以提供高质量教育和培训闻名。

    Nanyang Polytechnic Institute in Singapore is a well-known , innovative and comprehensive higher vocational college for providing students with quality education and training .

  4. 作为美国社区学院主要职能之一的职业教育在社区学院的百年历史中发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    Vocational education , as one of most important function of American community college , has played a significant role in its one hundred years development .

  5. 具有鲜明特色的澳大利亚职业技术和继续教育学院(TAFE)与大学之间的学分转换体制是无缝对接机制的有效实现方式。

    The credit transfer system between TAFE and universities in Australia may serve as an effective way to achieve seamless articulation .

  6. 论加强高职院校学生的职业发展教育职业技术学院数控专业办学方向初探

    On Strengthening Students ' Career Development Education in Vocational College

  7. 澳大利亚职业教育别具特色,主要表现在建立了独特而有效的管理网络,提供了灵活的资金来源,并建有专门的职业教育机构&TAFE学院,形成了独具一格的办学风格与特点。

    There are distinctive characteristics in Australian vocational education , such as the effective management network , flexible source of funds and special organization of vocational education ( TAFE college ) .