
  • 网络Miehen ty;Mans Job;A Mans Work;A Man s Work;MIEHEN TYO
  1. 考虑当个海盗的另一个原因是,即使今天,我知道这职业还是男人的天下。

    Another reason to consider a life of piracy . Even today , I understand thats an all-male profession .

  2. 伦敦大学时装学院的BrendaPolen,也就是本项目的发起者说:裤装是传统的职业装,因为男人就是这么穿的。女人会在周末休闲的时候穿裤装,所以裙装与成功女士的联系更加密切了。

    Brenda Polen , director of programs at London College of Fashion , said : " Trousers are traditionally the uniform of power because men wear it . " Women wear trousers at the weekend and for leisure so the skirt suit has become far more associated with successful women .

  3. 伦敦大学时装学院的BrendaPolen,也就是本项目的发起者说:裤装是传统的职业装,因为男人就是这么穿的。这可能会带起新的时尚潮流,因为在过去二十几年里裤装在时尚里一直没有一个举足轻重的角色。

    Brenda Polen , director of programmes at London College of Fashion , said : " Trousers are traditionally the uniform of power because men wear it . " This could be more about fashion as we have had two decades where the trouser suit has not had a significant role to play in fashion .

  4. 许多妇女去工作还因为她们想有一份自己的职业,享受与男人平等的权利。

    Many women work also because they want to have careers of their own and enjoy full equality with men .