
líng lóng
  • exquisite;clever and nimble;ingeniously and delicately wrought;tinkling;clever and person
玲珑 [líng lóng]
  • (1) [exquisite]∶精巧细微

  • 小巧玲珑

  • (2) [clever and nimble; clever and person]∶灵活敏捷

  • 娇小玲珑

  • (3) [tinkling]∶形容玉相撞击的声音

玲珑[líng lóng]
  1. 布局严谨,幽静玲珑。

    The entire layout looks very rigorous , quiet and exquisite .

  2. 一袭白纱,素裹玲珑,翩跹舞步,却也盈盈如昔。

    Dressed in white , Su-wrapped exquisite , lightly dance steps , but also graceful as ever .

  3. 她身量苗条,手腕和脚踝曲线玲珑。

    She was slender , with delicate wrists and ankles .

  4. 由于普遍接受的理想身材是苗条而又玲珑有致的“沙漏”型身材,因此很多女性都为了能够穿进最小号的衣服而承受了不少压力。

    Women might feel pressured into being able to fit the smallest clothing size available , due to the prevalence of the ideal of a very slim , hourglass shape .

  5. 现在,我用玲珑的MP3,里面有经紧缩过的数百首我喜欢的歌曲。

    Today , I use a tiny MP3 player , compressed hundreds of my favorite songs into it .

  6. 《摩登家庭》的索菲娅·维加拉用复古水洗淡色曲线玲珑的“FerrisFlare”牛仔裤使自己的身材更漂亮。

    Modern Family 's Sofia Vergara plays up her shape with her favorite curve-flattering Hudson " Ferris Flare " jeans in a vintage-chic faded wash .

  7. 内森让公司里一个稚嫩的程序员凯勒布(Caleb)飞到他在阿拉斯加的藏身处,来测试这个玲珑有致的人工智能机器人,会不会比人类书呆子更聪明。

    Nathan has a peach-fuzz coder in his firm , Caleb , fly to his hideaway in Alaska to test whether the curvy artificial-intelligence machine can outwit a nerdy human .

  8. 房地产经纪人将那套公寓描写成玲珑别致的住宅。

    The estate agent described the flat as a Bijou residence .

  9. 我们的那位活泼玲珑的人事主任受到一连串的发问。

    Out pert little personnel manager , was bombarded with questions .

  10. 远处的汽车看去是那么小巧而玲珑。

    The automobiles in the distance seem tiny and alive .

  11. 不规则的斜条纹还能穿出玲珑有致的感觉。

    Askew diagonal stripes can add to a curvy look .

  12. 瞧瞧我们一个火辣身材曲线玲珑的歌后

    Look at us . One spicy , curvy diva -

  13. 青槐夹驰道,宫馆何玲珑?

    Far green locust-trees line broad roads toward clustered palaces and mansions ;

  14. 有时小巧的更加玲珑。

    Sometimes the smaller ones can actually be more intricate .

  15. 论小玲珑山馆为中心的文学活动

    On the Literary Activities Centering Around the Pretty Guesthouse

  16. 还有玲珑可爱的红色鞋子最后还是塞进你的购物袋。

    And those cute red shoes also end up in your shopping bag .

  17. 楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。

    Delicate pavilions were standing on the five-coloured clouds .

  18. 迁西板栗外形玲珑,色泽鲜艳,不粘内皮;

    Qianxi Chestnut shape of the translucent , brightly colored , Nonstick endothelium ;

  19. 玲珑超单元花岗岩表现出岩石的不均匀性,其成因为原地、半原地交代-重熔型花岗岩;

    The former is in-situ replacement , semi-in-situ replacement-remelting granite characterized by heterogeneity .

  20. 玲珑金矿采掘工程的现状及对比分析

    The Present Condition and Contrast Analysis of the Engineering of Lovely Gold Mine Digging

  21. 玲珑金矿是我国目前最大、开采历史最久的含金石英脉型金矿之一。

    The Linglong gold mine is one of the oldest gold mines in China .

  22. 玲珑有致的身材比例匀称,腰部轮廓分明。

    An hourglass figure is proportional and harmonious and the waist is clearly defined .

  23. 高山出好茶,玲珑茶就生长在这美好的环境中。

    Mountain out of tea , Linglong tea on the growth in this beautiful environment .

  24. 颜色亮丽,曲线玲珑,造型新颖时尚,外出居家皆方便。

    Color bright , the curvaceous , innovative modeling fashion , go home is convenient .

  25. 她的身材玲珑有致。

    She has got a curvy figure .

  26. 玲珑金矿田控矿构造研究

    Research of the control ore structure

  27. 这件玲珑精致的银盒应是藏传佛教噶举派的圣物。

    The silver box is most likely to be a holy item of the Karmah Buddhism .

  28. 讽刺的是这一刻的玲珑棕榈州没有什么是值得称赞的。

    The irony is that nothing is particularly great in the Palmetto State at the moment .

  29. 我想找一个玲珑但是也很可爱的女孩。

    I would love to meet a girl who is slim built with a pretty face .

  30. 玲珑工艺品有限公司成立于2003年,坐落于中国广西的工艺品之都。

    Was founded in2003 , is located in the Chinese arts and crafts capital of Guangxi .