
líng líng
  • Lingling;tinkling of pieces of jade
玲玲 [líng líng]
  • [tinkling of pieces of jade] 形容玉相击的声音

  • 玲玲盈耳

玲玲[líng líng]
  1. B:嗨,玲玲!我要去看看黑板。

    B : Hi , Lingling ! I am going to look at the board .

  2. 玲玲:没有,她没来过。但我给她寄关于中国的DVD,她看了。

    Lingling : No , she hasn 't , But I sent her a DVD about China and she 's watched it .

  3. 最著名的一次是在1972年,理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)对中国进行了历史性访问之后,获赠了一对大熊猫玲玲和兴兴。

    Most famously , he gave a pair to Richard Nixon , Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing , after his historic visit to China in 1972 .

  4. l玲玲:还有我们去洛杉矶的旅行!我们将会玩得很开心!

    Lingling : And our trip to Los Angeles ! we 'll have a great time !

  5. 玲玲说:既然云云,让咱们一起去喂鸭子吧。

    Lingling : Then let 's go to feed the ducks .

  6. 玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。

    Bello Nock , the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

  7. 玲玲:不错,我去了河南省。

    Lingling : Not bad ! I went to Henan Province .

  8. 房间里有玲玲和我两个人。

    There are two people in the room , Lingling and I.

  9. 玲玲生于四川北部的一个小村庄。

    Ling was born in a small village in northern Sichuan .

  10. 我和玲玲要跳一个漂亮的舞蹈。

    I 'm going to do a beautiful dance with lingling !

  11. 玲玲吃了一个三文治因为她不喜欢吃汉堡。

    Lingling had a sandwich because she doesn 't like hamburgers .

  12. 玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠。

    Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa 's eye .

  13. 但是妈妈和玲玲在电脑上购物了。

    But mum and Lingling did the shopping on the computer .

  14. 那个小女孩是谁?是玲玲。

    Who is that little girl ? It 's Lingling .

  15. 萨姆和埃米,玲玲和筑坝于在动物园里。

    Sam and Amy , Lingling and Daming are at the zoo .

  16. 玲玲:我觉得你说得对,贝蒂。

    Lingling : I think you 're right , Betty .

  17. 玲玲仍旧和萨姆、艾米在伦敦。

    Lingling is still in England with Sam and amy .

  18. 那这件T恤是谁的?这是玲玲的。看。

    Then whose T-shirt is this ? It 's Lingling ' s.Look .

  19. 萨姆:你可以把足球踢得很好,玲玲。

    Sam : You can play football well , Lingling .

  20. 玲玲:那么他们几个人一个班?

    Lingling : And how many pupils are there in a class ?

  21. 玲玲:李老师,这是我的父亲。

    Lingling : Miss Li , This is my father .

  22. 玲玲:你中文学了多久了?

    Lingling : And how long have you studied Chinese ?

  23. 看,我收到了玲玲的电子邮件。

    Look , I 've got an e-mail from lingling .

  24. 贝蒂:嗨,玲玲!假期过的这么样?

    Betty : Hi Lingling ! How was your holiday ?

  25. 玲玲:我期盼着看莎士比亚的戏剧。

    Lingling : I 'm really looking forward to the Shakespeare play .

  26. 玲玲在玛丽后面还是在她前面?

    Is Lingling behind Mary or in front of her ?

  27. 玲玲,请站在艾米旁边。谁高些?

    Lingling , please stand next to Amy . Who 's taller ?

  28. 玲玲:哦,太棒了!她好吗?

    Lingling : Oh , that 's fantastic ! How is she ?

  29. 玲玲,我们要给你个惊喜。

    We 've got a surprise for you , lingling .

  30. 植树?噢,真是抱歉,玲玲!

    Tree planting ? Oh , I 'm very sorry , Lingling !