
  • 网络kV.A;LV Transformer;low voltage transformers
  1. 低压变压器耐压试验中应注意的几个问题

    Some Problems in Voltage Withstanding Test of Low Voltage Transformers

  2. 中低压变压器高频信号传输技术

    Transmission technology of the high frequency signals over distribution transformers

  3. 公司主要产品:稳压器、高低压变压器、电抗器。

    Company main products : Voltage stabilizer , high low pressure transformer , reactance implement .

  4. 本文介绍了一种不用低压变压器和继电器激光电源保护电路。

    In this paper , a protective circuit for power supply of lasers without the use of low-voltage transformer and relay is presented .

  5. 低压变压器是高压电网和用户间的最后一级变电设备,对其进行必要的防雷保护意义重大。介绍由于线路落雷在高压侧引起过电压现象和对常用低压变压器的防雷保护。

    The paper introduces the overload phenomena of low voltage distribution transformer due to lightening at the high voltage side and the corresponding protection method .

  6. 基于GPRS的低压配电变压器故障自动监测与抄表通信系统

    GPRS-Based Fault Automatically Detect and Meter Recording Communication System of Transformer Adaptable to Low-Voltage Distribution Networks

  7. 低压配电变压器经济运行的几点建议

    Some suggestions for the economic operation of low voltage distribution transformer

  8. 中低压配电变压器经济运行的思考

    The Contemplation on the Economical Operation of Medium and Low Voltage Distribution Transformer

  9. 低压配电变压器的防雷保护

    Lightening Protection for Low Voltage Distribution Transformer

  10. 现场保护装置主要负责低压配电变压器实施运行参数的采集、转换、显示和保护动作条件判别,向移动终端或者远程控制中心发送实时参数信息以及设备动作信息。

    The locale protector is mainly in charge of sampling , conversion and displaying of the real time electric parameters of the power distribution transformer , and it is also expected to distinguish action conditions and send relative short messages to a mobile phone or the remote control system .

  11. 发电厂低压厂用变压器主保护配置分析

    Analysis on main protection of low-voltage transformers in power plants

  12. 低压厂用变压器自动开关储能及自动投入的改进

    Amelioration of energy storing and automatic making of automatic switch for LV station transformer

  13. Trasfor是中低压应用领域干式变压器和电感器的领先制造商。

    Trasfor is a leading manufacturer of dry-type transformers and inductors for low-voltage and medium-voltage applications .

  14. 低压电抗法在变压器低压绕组变形诊断中的应用

    Application of Low Voltage Reactance Method in Diagnosis of Low Voltage Winding Deformation of Transformer