
  • low-carbon martensitic steels
  1. 研究了恒定载荷和三种频率的动载荷条件下,经淬火及低温回火的两种低碳马氏体钢在25℃,3.5%NaCl水溶液中的裂纹扩展行为。

    The crack growth behavior is investigated for low-carbon martensitic steels quenched and tempered at low temperature , under static loading and cyclic loading with three frequencies in 3.5 % NaCl solution at 25 ℃ .

  2. 但是,直接淬火及回火时低碳马氏体钢中TiC类碳化物的析出行为及其强化作用研究较少。

    However , the precipitation behaviour of TiC during the direct quenching and tempering processes and their strengthening effects in low carbon martensitic steel have hardly investigated .

  3. 低碳马氏体钢的应用局限性和发展趋向

    Application limitation and development trend of low carbon martensitic steels

  4. 低碳马氏体钢与中碳结构钢的低温多冲弯曲抗力

    Multi-impact bending strength of low-carbon martensite steel and medium-carbon structural steel at low temperature

  5. 低碳马氏体钢重型凿岩钎杆的研制

    Low carbon martensite steel for rock drilling rod

  6. 低碳马氏体钢的生产技术

    Production technique of Martensite-Low carbon steel

  7. 低碳马氏体钢由于碳的固溶强化、位错强化等作用通常具有较高的强度。

    Low carbon martensitic steel has high strength because of the effect of carbon solution strengthening and dislocation strengthening .

  8. 采用低碳马氏体钢ZG30MnSiTi作母材与表面铸渗层相匹配,可满足某些易磨损零件对耐磨性和强韧性的综合要求。

    The use of low carbon martensite steel as matrix alloy coupled with cast-in-place hardfacing meets the requirements of some wear parts on wear resistance , strength and toughness .

  9. Si-Mn-Mo-V系低碳马氏体高强度钢异常拉伸断口分析

    Analyse on the Abnormal Fracture of Low Carbon Martensite Si-Mn-Mo-V High Strength Steels

  10. 低碳高硅马氏体钢B32钎杆的加工工艺

    Processing Technology of Low-carbon , High-silicon Martensitic Steel B 32 Drill Rod

  11. 低碳马氏体细晶粒钢的显微组织及耐磨性能

    Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Low Carbon Martensite Fine Grain Steel

  12. 本文介绍了供制造黹岩钎头用的新钢种,低碳马氏体超高强度钢24SiMnNi2CrMoA的研究和应用。

    This paper described the research and application of a new type of steel for drill bits , a low-carbon martensitic ultra-high strength steel 24SiMnNi_2CrMoA .