
  • 网络low-carbon society;low carbon society
  1. 日本构建低碳社会行动及其主要进展

    Action Plan and Achievements of Japan Low-carbon Society

  2. 一个没有言明的目标是,到2050年,中国将建立一个公正、环境可持续、繁荣、充满活力的低碳社会。

    The implicit goal is that by 2050 China will create a low-carbon society that is equitable , environmentally sustainable , prosperous and resilient .

  3. 总体来看,零售节能环保已经成为了建设低碳社会过程当中的关键构成部分。

    Retail energy conservation and environmental protection construction in today has become part of construction low carbon in dispensable society .

  4. 同时,伴随着全球进入低碳社会,绿色成为关注热点。

    Meanwhile , with the world moving toward a low carbon path of development ,' turning green ' becomes a hot issue .

  5. 众所周知,在追求低碳社会的今天,太阳能作为一种绿色新能源,越来越受到世界各国的关注。

    As is known to all , the solar green energy , gain more and more attentions around the world in the low-carbon society today .

  6. 摘要:在追求低碳社会的今天,太阳能作为一种清洁的分布式再生能源被广泛应用。

    Abstract : Today , in the pursuit of low-carbon society , solar energy as a clean distributed renewable energy is widely used , and with the .

  7. 由此可见,要构建低碳社会、发展低碳经济,如何实现建筑物的低碳化建设运营是一个不可回避的问题。

    Thus , to build low-carbon society , and to develop low-carbon economy , how to achieve low-carbon construction and operation of the building is an unavoidable problem .

  8. 在建设低碳社会发展绿色交通的大背景下,慢行交通越来越受到广大城市市民的青睐。

    In the backdrop of the low-carbon society construction and the green traffic development , slow traffic becomes more and more popular by urban people of all ages .

  9. 本文通过分析其特点,以及引入激励机制后对相关行政调控进行类型化的研究,发现正激励的制度建设更适于培养社会认同感,构建低碳社会。

    In this paper , by analyzing their characteristics and introducing incentive mechanism , to find institution building of positive incentive can gain more social identity and structure low-carbon society .

  10. 目前,在追求低碳社会的今天,太阳能作为一种清洁的可再生能源,正经历着由补充能源向替代能源发展的历史阶段。

    At present , in pursuit of low-carbon society , as a clean , renewable energy , Solar energy are experiencing the historical stage by supplementary energy to alternative energy development .

  11. 这些科学院还强调说,需要全世界全面走向“低碳社会”,包括找到新的清洁能源,从而让不断增加的碳排放稳定下来。

    The academies also stressed the need for the world to move towards a " low carbon society " overall , including finding new clean energy sources , to stabilise rising emissions .

  12. 热电联产是实现热能梯级利用的重要方式,对于国家节能减排,实现低碳社会有积极的意义。

    CHP is an important way of realizing energy cascade utilization . It has a positive significance to the energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction so as to achieve a low carbon society .

  13. 如何从建筑层面来使得建筑能够最大限度的改善建筑室内热湿环境,最大程度的实现建筑节能,在倡导低碳社会的今天已经成为当务之急。

    How to make the building construction design to maximize the improvement of indoor thermal environment , the maximum degree of realizing energy efficiency , is an essential problem in the environment friendly society .

  14. 近年来,我国随着低碳社会、绿色建筑等环保理念的提升,轻钢结构住宅体系已被建设部列为重点项目大力推广。

    In recent years , along with the low carbon society , the green building and other environmental protection concept of ascension , the light steel structure housing system has already been the Ministry of Construction as a priority project to promote .

  15. 目前,在国内各滨水城市都大力开展滨水区建设和倡导绿色低碳的社会背景下,城市滨水步行系统的建设也大力发展起来。

    Presently , the construction of urban waterfront pedestrian system has been rapidly developed under the society background of constructing the waterfront regions and advocating green low carbon idea in every domestic waterfront cities .

  16. 因此,发展碳金融对我国走节能减排的可持续发展道路和构建低碳经济社会有着重大的意义。

    Therefore , the development of carbon finance is of great significance for our country to take the road of sustainable development of energy saving and emission reduction and construct low carbon economy society .

  17. 低碳环保的社会主流思想又决定了雨水的收集利用方式也应该具有生态性。

    Low carbon environmental protection social mainstream ideology and determines the collected rainwater utilization mode should also include the ecological .

  18. 我国政府也将构建低碳导向型社会作为实现社会经济可持续发展的目标。

    Our government also takes the establishment of a low-carbon oriented society as the goal to achieve a sustainable development in social and economic .

  19. 第六,技术创新对于碳排放行动、以及转向低碳经济和社会所必要的政治支持而言至关重要。

    Sixth , technological innovation is vital for action on emissions and for the political support necessary for transition to a low-carbon economy and society .

  20. 有效地引导乡村与社会各界共同承担低碳减排的社会责任,正逐渐成为我国当前热切关注的热点问题。

    The villagers jointly bear the social responsibility of the low-carbon and emission reduction , which is gradually becoming the hot topics in China with all sectors of society .

  21. 电力系统作为我国碳排放大户,减少其碳排放是我国实现低碳经济和社会可持续发展的重要途径之一。

    Power system in China as carbon emitters . How to reducing its carbon emissions is one of important ways to achieve a low carbon economy and social sustainable development in our country .

  22. 随着经济发展,资源与环境,建设低碳、节约型社会成为当代世界关注的一个问题,一个重要途径就是使用大自然赋予我们的清洁能源,如太阳能,风能等,并且提高利用率。

    Along with economic development , resources and environment , construction of low carbon , energy-saving society become a focus in the modern world . An important way is to use the clean energy which nature gives us , such as solar , wind etc and to improve efficiency .

  23. 低碳环保已经成为社会的焦点议题。

    Low carbon and pro-environment have become the focus of social issues .

  24. 哥本哈根会议之后,低碳经济被国际社会所普遍倡导。

    After the Copenhagen conference , Low-Carbon Economic has widely advocated by the international community .

  25. 低碳经济是当今社会经济发展的新趋势和新潮流。

    Low carbon-economy is the new tendency and new trend of economy development in the present society .

  26. 保护环境、节能减排、促进低碳经济的全社会可持续发展成为各国政府和社会公众广泛关注的焦点。

    Environmental protection , energy conservation , and promotion of low-carbon economy to promote sustainable development of the whole society have become the focus of widespread concern of the national government and the public .

  27. 低碳经济继人类社会的农业文明、工业文明之后成为了又一次重大的进步。低碳经济是以低耗能、低污染、低排放为基础的经济增长模式。

    The low carbon economy is a great step of human society following the agricultural civilization and industrial civilization , which is characterized by low energy consumption , low pollution , low-emission-based economic growth .

  28. 随着二氧化等温室气体排放的日渐加剧,全球气候问题已成当今世界的热议话题,低碳理念遍步社会各领域。

    As carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions is increasing day by day , the problem of global climate has become the hot topic of the world , low carbon concept in economic and social fields .

  29. 低碳发展是当今社会的主旋律,而能源消费与碳排放和经济发展密切相关,我国十二五规划继续将节能减排作为转变经济发展方式的重要着力点。

    The low-carbon development is the theme of current society , carbon emission , energy consumption and economic development are closely connected . The energy saving and emission reduction is the important focal point on transformation of the mode of economic development in the 12th five-year plan .

  30. 随着全球资源能源的锐减、环境问题的加剧,传统材料已经无法适应低碳经济、低碳社会、低碳设计的要求。

    With the sharp drop in global energy resources and the increasing seriousness of environmental problems , traditional materials have been unable to adapt to low-carbon economy , low-carbon society and low-carbon design .