
  • 网络LTCC;low temperature co-fired ceramics
  1. 指出了不同硼硅酸盐玻璃材料的优缺点和在低温共烧陶瓷技术中的适用范围。

    The merits and defeds of different borosilicate glasses , its application field in LTCC technology were indicated .

  2. 本文报告了一种基于低温共烧陶瓷技术和金锡共晶焊料的射频微机电的封装技术,并评估了该封装结构的物理及射频特性。

    This paper reports on an RF MEMS package based on LTCC technology and gold-tin eutectic bonding , and also evaluates physical and RF characteristics of the proposed structure .

  3. 本文提出一种新型的基于低温共烧陶瓷技术(TCC)螺旋电感带通滤波器。

    A novel spiral inductor resonator bandpass filter based on LTCC is proposed in this paper .

  4. 目前,实现平面微波器件小型化的方法包括:采用具有慢波特性的周期性结构以及低温共烧陶瓷技术(LTCC)等。

    Currently , there are some methods to realize the miniaturization of planar microwave devices , such as adopting periodic structures with slow-wave characteristics , low temperature Co-fired Ceramic ( LTCC ) technology and so on .

  5. 介绍了低温共烧陶瓷技术的工艺、材料特性、应用及发展趋势,分析其在功能模块领域应用的可行性。

    In this paper , the technics , material characteristics , application and development trend of LTCC technology are introduced , and its application feasibility in the function module area is analyzed .

  6. 本文基于低温共烧陶瓷技术,采用陶瓷基板和铁氧体基板共烧设计了一款低通滤波器和两款带通滤波器。

    So the study and design of microwave filter design is very important . A low pass filter and two band-pass filters are designed with ceramic substrate and ferrite substrate based on LTCC technology .

  7. 基于低温共烧陶瓷技术的毫米波收发机可有效解决频带拥挤、尺寸大等问题,实现便携式、高性能的收发机。

    The millimeter wave transceiver by Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic ( LTCC ) technology can solve some problems effectively like congested band , large dimension etc. , and can achieve the function as high performance and portability .

  8. 低温共烧陶瓷技术利用多层介质基片的堆叠,形成一种高集成度多层布线封装结构,利用这一特点可以提高电路性能,同时使系统体积和重量减小。

    LTCC ( Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramic ) technology makes use of a multi-layer construction to form a hermetical , high-density substrate . With this feature , it can improve the performance of the circuits , reduce the volume and decrease the weight of the system .

  9. 对LTCC(低温共烧陶瓷)技术的特点及应用作了评述。

    The characteristics of LTCC technology are reviewed .

  10. 微带天线是天线小型化的研究对象之一,而利用LTCC(lowtemperatureco-firedceramic,低温共烧陶瓷)技术能进一步缩小天线的体积。

    Microstrip antenna is one of the research objects of miniature antenna , and its size can be further reduced by taking advantage of LTCC ( Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic ) technology .

  11. 低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术应用进展

    Development of Low Temperature Co - fired Ceramic ( LTCC ) Technology

  12. 作为一种新兴的集成封装技术,低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术以其优良的高频和高速传输特性、小型化、高可靠而备受关注。

    As a new integrating and packing technology , the low temperature co-fired ceramic ( LTCC ) technology attracts close attention for its excellent high frequency and high speed transfer characteristics , miniaturization , high reliability .

  13. 多层陶瓷片式变压器是近年来发展较为迅速的一种新型变压器,它是采用低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术制作的,在设计和制造方面都对传统方法提出了新的挑战。

    As a new type of transformer , the Multi-layer LTCC transformer has developed quite rapidly in recent years . It challenged traditional designing and processing technology with a brand-new processing technique of applying LTCC technology , which was short for Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic .