
  • 网络low carbon emissions;Low-carbon emission
  1. 世界农林中心空间分析组组长SonyaDewi说,然而,可持续的经济效益也可以在低碳排放的情况下获得。

    But sustainable economic benefits can be achieved with low carbon emissions , says Sonya Dewi , head of the Spatial Analysis Unit of ICRAF .

  2. 第一部分描述了电解铝生产的工艺流程,并对其实行低碳排放的意义、内容和特点进行了详细阐述。

    The first part describes the process of electrolytic aluminum production and elaborates the meaning , content and characteristics of its practicing the low carbon emissions policy .

  3. 从提高能源效率到低碳排放,再到优化农业,

    from increased energy efficiency to low-energy carbon to improved farming

  4. 消费者选择购买高能效、低碳排放的产品会对市场产生重大影响。

    By making purchasing decisions towards energy efficient and low carbon emission products , individual consumers can have a big impact on the market .

  5. 但从旅游业的依托资源、性质、特点和结构来看,它具有着低碳排放的突出优势。

    But seen from the fundamental resources , its nature and character and structure , the tourism industry has a clear advantage on low carbon discharge .

  6. 电力系统设计人员面临的四个关键问题为:高效率、高可靠性、低碳排放及高适应性。

    Four of the key issues faced by power system designers are high efficiency , high reliability , low emission of carbon , and high flexibility .

  7. 也许最为人熟知的积极作用是用低碳排放的视频会议代替面对面的会谈,面对面的会谈会因为航空需求而产生大量碳排放。

    Perhaps the best-known of these enabling effects is to replace face-to-face meetings , which require carbon-belching air travel , with low-emission alternatives such as videoconferencing .

  8. 扩大生产低碳排放的电能,允许使用复合能源和氢动力汽车,帮我们减轻对石油的依赖。

    Increasing production of low-carbon electricity will help us reduce our addiction to oil by allowing us to power a new generation of plug-in hybrid and hydrogen-powered vehicles .

  9. 分组后的检验结果表明,高碳排放强度企业的碳排放量与企业价值显著负相关,而低碳排放强度企业的碳排放量与其企业价值的相关性并不显著。

    After grouping , carbon emissions information and firm value are negative correlated significantly in the high carbon emissions group , but not in the low carbon emissions firms .

  10. 研究的主要内容集中在:(1)能源消费与碳排放,包括与碳减排有关的能源消费结构的转换和低碳排放能源系统的建立;

    The main contents are : ① energy consumption and carbon emission , including the transform of the structure of energy consumption and the construction of low emission supply system ( LESS ) ;

  11. 一些污染大国可以将自己的排放量降至自有排放额度水平,也可以在市场中购买新的额度,或通过在发展中国家投资低碳排放技术而挣得新的排放额度。

    Big polluters would be able to cut emissions to the level of credits held , buy new credits in the market or earn new credits by making investments in carbon-efficient technologies in developing countries .

  12. 要努力建设以低碳排放为特征的产业体系和消费模式,积极参与应对气候变化国际合作,推动全球应对气候变化取得新进展。

    We need to energetically build an industrial system and consumption pattern with low carbon emissions . We will participate in international cooperation to address climate changes and work for further progress in the global fight against climate change .

  13. 第三部分采用经济计量学的方法,在对电解铝生产全流程进行产品生命周期分析的基础上,构建出适宜其发展现状的低碳排放计量模型,并进行了稳定性检验与报告输出。

    Under the life cycle analysis of the electrolytic aluminum process , the third part uses the method of econometrics to build a low carbon emissions measurement model of the current situation of Electrolytic aluminum enterprises as well as the stability test and reportorial output towards the model .

  14. 而国家倡导节能减排,绿色环保的高效精益生产模式,使得企业必须将现有陈旧的设备进行升级改造,从而满足低碳低排放的要求。

    The government advocates an energy saving , environmental protection and efficient lean production model , allowing companies to upgrade existing obsolete equipments to meet the requirements of low carbon emissions .

  15. 基于低碳、低排放是未来船用发动机技术的发展方向,本文以某艇用柴油发动机作为研究对象。

    The future direction of development in marine engine technology will be low-carbon and low emission . One yacht diesel engine is studied in this paper .

  16. 试验结果表明,单段早喷有助于实现低NOx和碳烟排放,但柴油机无法在高负荷下运行;标准喷射的排放很高;

    The results indicate that single stage early injection contributes to low emissions of NOx and smoke , but the engine can 't operate properly at high load while the standard injection mode produces much higher emissions .

  17. 第三种是强化低碳情景,年排放量在2025年前后见顶,到2050年时减少到50亿吨。

    A third , more radical enhanced low-carbon scenario would produce peak emissions around 2025 , reducing to 5bn tonnes by 2050 .

  18. 英国低造价、适应性、低碳排放住宅建设计划

    Construction Plan for the Low Cost , Adaptable and Low Carbon-emissions Housing in UK

  19. 经济发展是发展低碳经济的首要保证,技术进步则是发展低碳经济的关键所在,制度创新是催化剂,而关注关键行业的减排则可保证在现阶段以最大的速率将低碳排放量。

    The technologic progress is the most important point , and the economic development strengths the development of low carbon economy . The institutional innovation is the catalyst , and focusing on key sectors to reduce emissions can guarantee the greatest reducing rate of carbon emissions at this stage .